Chapter 5.

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So school started 2 days ago

*I'm far from ready for this depressing Hell called school yet.


Quote Of The Chapter

Some people walk into out lives and quickly leave. Some stay, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same again.


So. Here I am re-writing this chapter for the fourth time. Something's wrong with my WattPad, and it doesn't want to save my work. So here I am trying again. Crying


•Percy's Pov•

"I should get going, nice catching up with you G-man. Say hi to Juniper for me will ya?" I shouted off to my friend Grover.

"Ya, your right, it's a lot later then I though! See ya around Perce"

I had been catching up with Grover, one if my oldest friends for most of the day. Camp half-blood is a busy place so I don't get the chance to see him much.

It was A lot later then I thought, and before I knew it, I felt tired as ever. I started to trudge back to my cabin when I spotted the Hades cabin. Nico. I didn't visit him today. Damn, I always visit him, everyday. Some days I just sit next to him and hold his frail hand. Others I'd talk to him or read him things. Most days it just made me feel worse, I mean he's in there because of ME.

Since I was so tired I decided against going to visit him now. I'd probably fall asleep, fall on him, and kill the guy. And I definitely didn't want that to happen.

After choosing, I trudged off towards my cabin. Once I got there, I swung open the door, hearing the all to familiar 'Creeeeak' of the hinges. I'd have to ask Leo about that later. Everything inside was pitch black, and it only seemed to get darker when I closed my cabin door behind me. Cutting off any moonlight from seeping into my cabin.

I used my memory to map out everything in front of me. Turns out, my memory sucks, I ended up running into a small table that I eat on every once in a while thinking that my bed should be there. Soon enough I made it there, I was taking off my shirt when I heard a soft... snore?

Instinctively my mind and body kicked into attack mode. But trust me, doing that with a shirt half on, is quite hard. My arms were stuck out of my shirt, I couldn't see anything with my shirt covering my head. I tried to shove it off quickly but that just got me more confused. It took me a few moments but as soon as it was off I heard whatever in my bed shift slowly.

I tackled it. Trying to hold down whatever it was.

"Get off of me!" Whatever it or who it was screamed at me. Did I really just attack a person... but why were they in my bed...

I jumped off of them, trying to look at there face, but realizing how stupid my attempt was since it was dark as fvck. I raced over to my light switch and turned them on. I squinted my eyes at the intruder in my bed. They had tried to get up, gotten tangled in my blankets, and collapsed onto the floor. I could see there messy black hair sticking up everywhere, there small, pale body awkwardly struggling to get up.

I stood there frozen as my mind clicked into place.


Nico was back. He was awake!!!

Was this a dream... I raced over to him, not caring if this was reality or not, I grabbed him and cradled him into my arms. Still sitting on the floor I snuggled my face into the crook of his neck. Breathing in his smell. Vanilla. I never really liked vanilla but it just- it works on Nico.

"P-Percy?" The black hair boy whimpered groggily, still half asleep.

"Yeah, I'm here now Neeks" I whispered softly.

In a moment he began to hug me back. And in that time, things were perfect. Reality didn't matter Nico was here, awake, that's what mattered. I never felt awkward hugging him like this. It was almost, natural. After a moment I released him, my hands still on his wrists, feeling his pulse, still needing confirmation that this wasn't a dream. I could feel it, his heart was beating what seemed like a million times an hour, I smiled.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry Nico let me make it up for you. Please" I begged looking into his dark brown eyes searching for any sign of Forgiveness.

"Percy, it wasn't your fault. It was nobody's, you have nothing to make up for" Nico half smiled up at me, trying to make everything look ok. But I could see it, something was wrong with him. He was upset over something.

"Nico... Whats wrong?" I asked softly.

"H-huh? W-what... Nothing I'm fine" He stuttered to begin with, but finished nearly confidently.

"It's ok... you can tell me anything. I'm here for you Nico, whenever you need me ok?"

His smile instantly faded away and his eyes became hard again. What the hell am I doing wrong?

"No Percy, you can't help"

"Nico. Please let me in! Let people into your life!"

"Why?! Because you want to help? Because you have 'good intentions' I'm sorry but no. You may be with me to begin with, but you'll leave. No one ever stays. Everyone leaves me Percy!!! Either that or someone takes them from me and I'm to damned weak to do a anything Percy!!!" Nico shouted at me. Getting up to leave.

"Nico wait. No I'm sorry! Please stay" I say to him truthfully. I wanted him to stay, I wanted to hug him and talk and just... be with him.

"Good bye Jackson"


•End of chapter•

So, good? or Bad? Bit of both? Okay well sorry if this is up late, like I said WattPad isn't letting me save my work



Favourite book in the Pjo and HOO series?

I probably like House of Hades just because of the Cupid scene, I can't even tell you how many times I cried just thinking about it .-. Dem feels

Okay, bye.

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