Chapter 11.

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Hai Again. Sorry again if this chapters late .-. I'm staying home from school in the morning today though so you get an update ^~^

BY THE WAY YA'LL SHOULD GO WATCH 'boku no poco' <3

Quote: Behind every girl's favourite song is an untold story.


•Percy's Pov•

"Nico...." I whispered. Poking the little black haired boys cheek. He looked so cute sleeping I didn't want to disturb him but it was breakfast.

"Five More minutes..."

"C'mon, it's breakfast"

"Fine.." Nico mumbled to me as he pulled him self up. His face was very pale as always, his eyes only opened slightly. Damn he was a cute one.

"I have to go shower but I will see you there? And don't go back to sleep!" I kissed his nose lightly before I headed out toward the showers.


"Percy- wait" She grabbed my wrist, and before I could tug away from her she stepped in front of me. Her honey blond hair shining in the sun, her nose and cheeks were red and her eyes were wet. I couldn't help but want to comfort her. She was one of my best friends, being around her felt natural. But for now, it was best for me and her to be separate.

"Annabeth-" I sighed "What is it?"

"I can't sleep at night. I can't work. I can't do anything." She shook her head miserably, looking at the ground. "I don't know why I'm telling you this. I probably shouldn't be"

"Annie, I'm sorry, but there really isn't anything I can do for you.."

"I know. I know there isn't" she didn't seem to believe her own words. She wanted to, she wanted to be strong and independent and everything she was suppose to be. "I just. I miss you"


"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that" her hand wiped away tears from her pain stricken face, I wrapped my arms around her. Holding her in a friendly way.

"You're going to be okay"


"Not hopefully. You will be. Okay? Trust me"

"You know I do"


Sweat glistened off my forehead as I looked up at the dimming sun. I just finished training in the arena, we had a free hour before dinner so I went to see Nico.

I found myself speeding along, making it to his cabin in only a few minutes .

"Nico?" I called as I opened the door. The room was pitch black, I squinted as I looked for my Ghost king but he didn't seem to be in here.

"Boo!" Someone shouted from behind me.

"Holy shiiiiit!" I yelled, I practically jumped forward and turned around. Nico was hunched over laughing.

"Oh my gods- Percy-"

"Yeah yeah. Whatever"

"Do you want to go to the beach for dinner?" Nico asked. "Well like pre-dinner pretty much since-"

"Yeah that'd be awesome" I cut him off. Taking his hand in mine I pulled him out of the cabin.

"Percy- What if someone saw us" Nico whispered, looking at our hands.

"Oh- yeah right. Let's just cut through the woods then. It'll be faster and no one would see us" I smiled, but it felt off. I felt like I was disappointing him. Maybe I was.


Nico led me down under the dock, there was a basket of food placed down.

"When did you do this?" I asked curiously, opening it up and taking a sandwich.

"I finished lunch early so I made the food then and just before you got to my cabin I put it down here" Nico explained.

"Ohhhh- Well thanks" I grinned and softly kissed him.


"Mm... that was delicious" I complimented as I finished my food.


"Hey so uh Nico..." I stuttered out slightly, I looked down words towards the sand. Picking up a handful I ran it through my fingers. "I want to make things official with you"

"Make what official exactly?" He replied back, a happy grin on his face.

"You know exactly what I'm asking" I rolled my eyes at him, grinning back. "How else could I phrase this.. Hmm.." I felt more confident as I held myself up on one knee, now directly facing Nico. His eyes looked at me with a challenge.

"Will you Nico di Angelo, make me the happiest man on earth and go out with me?"

The small boy grabbed at my sweater, his hands angled in it. I let myself be pulled down, his back hitting the sand the same moment my palms did. His mouth was splayed out in a grain, I smiled back as he laid flat underneath me.

"Took you long enough to ask me"


Lost in the darkness (Pernico/Percico)Where stories live. Discover now