Chapter 9.

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Do you know what? Youre gonna like this god damn chapter. Do you wanna know why? bc this is my second time re-doing it and it's so late, I get no sleep these days. And WHY DO MY CHAPTERS KEEP DELETING?!?

Qoute: If my chapters don't stop deleting, i will personally slaughter wattpad <3 ~Me. (pls no report)


•Nicos Pov•

Percy closed his cabin door behind me, I walked over to his coach and sat as Percy went to grab us some food.

"What do you want?" Percy asked me.

"Uhm... just an apple or something. It doesn't matter"

"Hm... well we have cereal-" Percy paused as he went over to check "And uh cereal"

I chuckled slightly, he could be so adorable. "I'll have nothing then"

"What is my cereal not good enough for you" Percy asked, looking at me with a fake frown on.

"Nope!!" I smirked.

"I guess I'll just have to help you change your mind on that one then" Before I could do anything, Percy was sitting on me, his hands on my waist, tickling me. I let out a loud laugh.

"Don't you-" I could barely talk through my laughter. "Dare tickle-"I was attempting to glare at the boy on me but trust me- when your laughing half to death it's pretty hard to glare. "The ghost-" I continued.

Percy eased up and stopped, his face inches from mine. "King" Percy whispered.

"H-huh" I stumped, my hear racing about how close Percy was.

"The ghost king, you know, you"

"Oh- right" I whispered. Percy was looking right into my eyes, as if he could see right through them. My breath was still shallow, as I stared back at him I felt something different.

I felt like nothing mattered right now. It didn't matter I was a boy and so was Percy. It didn't matter that he had Annabeth. It didn't matter that I was a disgrace while Percy was a hero. Everything felt- right. Like this was suppose to be.

"Don't hate me" I whispered

I looked deeply into those all to familiar sea green eyes one last time time before completely closing the difference between us. I pushed my lips onto his, my hands on his shoulders. This was suppose to feel right. But it didn't. I just screwed everything up. I just ruined everything. A tear slide down my pale cheek as I pulled away from the black haired boy I loved so deeply.

"No- Nico" Percy mumbled, he grabbed my hand into his and pulled me back to him. He stopped me just before my thin lips met his "Don't stop this time"

My lips met his once again but this time was different. Percy was moving his lips with mine. It wasn't slow nor passionate like you'd imagine your first kiss would be. It was rough, needy and fast. I needed him and it sure seemed like Percy needed me to.

As he pulled away, i reached down for his hand, entwining his fingers with mine.

"Nico I.." Percy mumbled unsure "I don't know what that was... but I can't say I didn't enjoy it. Look at me Nico" I raised my chin up, no longer looking at the ground but at Percy's beautiful face.

"I like you Nico. More then I think I should. This Is new for me-"

"Percy, I love you" I spit out. Completely cutting him off. If I didn't say it directly I wouldn't be able to say it at all."I have for as long as I can remember and I always will"

"Nico- I think I need a few days ok. To sort things out. I'm sorry. I promise this isn't a good bye. I just need to think"

I looked at Percy unsure. "Promise me"

"I promise Nico"

Those were the 3 words that broke me.


QOTD: Any Supernatural fans?



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