ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟠

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The morning of my birthday I wake up with an odd sort of pleasure. Well I guess it's not so odd since it's my birthday after all. It's still early in the morning and my house is quiet. I silently creep out of bed and open the sliding door to my porch. A gust of cool air hits me in the face and I inhale deeply. The sky is blue with billowy white clouds floating along. It's a cool morning but the rays of sunlight warm my shoulders. The weather is perfect just how I like it. 

I walk over to the railing of my porch and glance over my neighborhood. I can see  a young boy riding his bike, a woman jogging down the street, an elderly man drinking coffe on his porch with his wife, they are hand in hand and they stare at each other with loving gazes. They don't even need words. I smile to myself and settle down to read for while. 

Soon the smell of waffles and bacon wafts up the stairs and my stomach grumbles hungrily. I walk downstairs and am greeted by my whole family making me a special breakfast. My dad holds the waffle iron, my mom flips the bacon in a pan, even my younger brother cuts strawberries and sets them in a bowl.

When they see me they imidiately break into a chorus of signing happy birthday. They sound horrible but my heart warms at their thoughtful gestures. 

"Good Morning!" I say and give them each a hug. After they give me my presents we sit down at the table to eat. 

"How are the waffles?" My dad asks nervously. "I made them from scratch, that recepie that you always do for special occasions." 

"They are fantastic dad, thanks!" I say smiling. They do look tad bit to flat, some are overcook others too pale but it's the thought that counts and I love him for trying. 

"Hey! I cut the strawberries," Micheal my brother says. We all laugh.

"Right, like mom didn't make you do that," I  respond winking. Mike pretend to look mad but I can see a smile creeping onto his lips. When my family is happy, it's contaigious. 

So far today has been pretty much perfect, I just hope that it lasts. 


When I arrive, the Giving Thanks Festival is crowded and noisy. It's about four in the afternoon so most families are already leaving and teens like me, come barraling in with their friends. Victoria told all of us to meet by our favorite popcorn stand, the one that serves the popcorn with lots of butter. But first I have to find Miguel. 

I did tell Victoria and Sadie that I wanted him to come too and they didn't argue. I told him to meet me at the entrence, but he is not here yet. 

I smooth down my skirt and and nervoulsy glance at my phone. It's five minutes past the time he told me we would meet. It's okay, he'll be here.  I try to tell myself. I'm not really sure why I asked him to join us. Maybe it was because I knew I would feel like the third wheel with Victoria and Sadie and I wanted some leverage, or maybe I just wanted him here. 

Suddenly I see him. He is running down the sidewalk and looking wildly around for someone. Me probably. I watch as he smooths down his  shirt and I can't help smiling. He wants to look nice, for me. Before I can stop myself i'm calling out his name.

"Miguel, over here!" 

He spots me and a big smile breaks out on his face. He slows his stance when he reaches me. 

"Hi Gigi, Happy Birthday," He says breathlessly. 

"Thanks," I smile at him. He smiles back. For a second i'm completely frozen but then I remember why we are here. 

"Uh, should we go meet up with um, Sadie and Victoria?" I say fumbling to find the right words. Miguel nods.

"Yeah, okay. Let's go find them." 

a/n: 18 chapters eeeeeee, i'm so close to twenty that't probably the longest i have ever written ;)

this wasn't much of a cliffhanger, and the chapter didn't have much action sry. Next chapter should be more exciting! :)

also i noticed that i have been forgetting to put a picture or quote with each chapter, but i'll try and find something for these next one :) 

the quote on here doesn't really relate to this particular chapter or anything, I just really liked it. ❤❤

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