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Ticking on your cheek, you hummed, falling out of the sleepiness you were once in. Pressing more into the warmth of the bed, you gripped the sheets again. With the tickle moving to your hairline, you blinked softly, the bright light from the sunlight invading your vision. Charlie kneeling next to you, he brushed a hair behind your hair, leaning in to kiss your cheek. "Merry Christmas," His lips moving down your jawline, you smiled. "Oh, and Happy Birthday, sweetheart."

Rubbing your eyes, the ache of sleepiness behind them, you sat up, "Hold on." Crawling out of bed, you went to his bathroom, grabbing your toothbrush to freshen up your breath. Charlie stayed kneeling, his elbows resting on his knees while he watched you. Crawling back in his bed, you laid on your stomach, grabbing his chin, your lips meeting his. The taste of mint and coffee lingering on your tongue. "Thank you, Charlie."

"Come with me." He spoke, extending his hand out, while yours met the softness of his palm without a single hesitation. Leading you out of his room, his place was scattered with Christmas and birthday decorations, the familiar scent flooding your nostrils.

"Is this all for me? How did you know I love french toast?" Charlie handing you a hot cup of coffee, his hand rested on your back, grabbing his own.

"You know you're not the only one who is good at researching. Henry says happy birthday, sad he couldn't be here." Kissing your cheek, he gestured for you to sit on the table, sitting in front of you, before you both ate in a comfortable silence that you didn't want to break. The glances and smirks between both of you being enough. Charlie handing you a small envelope. You squinted your eyes, gently grabbing it from his grip. "Your first birthday present."

"The first Charlie?" Reaching inside the envelope, two tickets touched your fingertips, making your eyes widen. "You got me tickets to my favorite ballet?" You stood up to sit on his lap, wrapping your arm around his shoulders, his hand resting on your thighs.

"No, just two tickets for tonight so you can display them on your wall."

"Is that how you speak to the birthday girl? I love The Nutcracker Charlie, you're spoiling me."

Kissing you, he deepened the kiss with his hand on the back of your head, "Do you not like it when I speak to you like that?"

"I never said I didn't." Resting your hands on his shoulder, you placed quick kisses on his face, a chuckle escaping his chest. "Now I need to spoil you."

"No, you don't. Today is your day. Which we need to start getting ready for. We have a long day ahead of us."

Picking you up from his lap, he placed your feet on the ground. Following him into his room, you noticed his watch wasn't on. Pressing your lips together, you didn't want to bring attention to it. His eyes glancing back, you snapped your eyes up.

"I can't promise you snow, though."

"Well, that doesn't matter. As long as I get to spend it with you."

"Then, good."

Walking hand in hand down the Brooklyn streets. You and Charlie didn't stop talking. Charlie pointing to places while you watched his eyes light up from spilling what he loved to see so much. The pretty trees coated in white-colored snowflakes. If you were ever so lucky, the bits and pieces would fall onto you, his hand instantly taking it off of you as if it were to him something so casual to do. Charlie stopping at a corner street, you furrowed your brows at him before your eyes landed on the building to your right. The movie you loved so much that you considered a part of what you and Charlie had was in front of you, Tiffany's.

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