That's how you play games

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You stared at your computer screen, no words were brought to your mind. You closed your eyes. Not now. Everyone warned you. Looking at the screen again, you brought the cursor to the schedule appointment page for the bar. You could do it later. Closing the laptop, you laid on the ground, Sunny joining you. The motivation you had was once gone, evaporating into thin air, and you couldn't find it.

You thought about your checklist; when was the last time you crossed anything off? Opening your textbook, you read the first sentence, feeling like that was enough. To your surprise, something did come up, a knock on your door.

Walking to it, you opened it, surprised. "Hey Hunter, come on in." She walked in her curly hair, hitting you in the face. You stuck your head out the doorway to see if she was alone.

"Nice place, wow this is really nice, sorry I came unannounced, I need girl talk." She looked at your mess on your floor, sitting on your couch.

"It's okay, you need to talk. Do you want something to drink?" You asked, walking to your fridge, "Tea, coffee?"

"I talked to Stefan about the assistant position, and he said he thinks I'm not ready and that he has someone in mind. And then last night, Max kissed me." Removing her boots, she laid on your couch, staring at the ceiling.

You walked to her, handing her some tea, "I'm so sorry Stefan said that about you. You are more than ready, don't let his words get to you. One day he is going to see that you are just the right fit. Just you wait." You tapped her leg, so you could sit next to her, placing the tea on her side.

She tapped her fingers on her stomach, "Max kissed you last night, huh?" You spoke. She lifted her head to look at you.

"Was it bad that I liked it?" She sat up, placing an arm around your shoulders, pushing you onto her chest to hug you.

"No, that is not bad. Why would it be?" You hugged her back, taking what you needed at that moment, comfort.

"I mean, look at me, and look at him. He is all awkward and sometimes says the wrong thing at the wrong time, but then he is funny and kind."

"I think people like whoever they like." You spoke, pulling away from her hug. She squinted at you, picking up Sunny.

"So, like Daddy Charlie?" You pinched the sides of your nose, stifling back a laugh.

"Is that his new name now? Hunter tapped a finger to her mouth, "I mean, I don't, not like him, I don't know."

"That name is catchy. Invite him over?" She stood up, walking to your room, instantly walking to your closet, to which you followed. "Invite him to go drinking, something casual, as you are casually fucking, right?"

Should you say? "Once, well, if you count the phone sex." Hunter snapped her head at you, "I am super surprised but proud of you." Grabbing clothes, she held them up to you, placing them back.

You shook your head; certainly, you wanted to invite him over, but he was a theatre director. Most of the time, you bumped into him when he wasn't busy; they weren't on your terms. "He is busy directing a play. He must be exhausted."

"How about you look for an outfit, and I text him for you. Even if he says no, he'll know that you thought of doing something with him." She placed you into the closet, sitting on your bed, going through your phone. "Fuck me-"

"No, do not say that," removing your clothes in the closet, you scanned your clothes.

"I'm kidding. How about, If you aren't busy, let's get drinks tonight," You heard Hunter leave for a few seconds and come back. "Text message sent, I gave him your address."

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