Curious Lips

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(First of all, Thank you for all the love for The Art of Yearning! Your comments make me so happy, I hope you are all enjoying it. You didn’t come here to listen to me talk but……..Warning! This chapter contains sexual content. Thank you all, enjoy! Xoxo- Mel)

Was this it?

Entering the address, you arrived at another apartment complex, with trees all over the place. The fall breeze hitting at your bare legs as you walked down the corridor of the apartments—the sunset seeping through your skin, warming you.

Arriving at the door, you rang the doorbell. Hmm. No response. It was the wrong one, it had to be. Hearing the door next to the one you rang open. You looked at the door, seeing Charlie peek his head out.

"I knew I rang the wrong one." You spoke, scratching at the side of your forehead.

"Everyone gets it wrong, please come in." Charlie chuckled, opening his arms for you to enter.

Walking in, it wasn't much, a single armchair on your right, another long couch on your left. The artwork on the walls, it looked like a child's drawing. Smiling, knowing it was Henry's. Plants laid around the room, bookshelves around filled with magazines and books,  the apartment smelling amazing.

Charlie walked in front of you, pointing at your coat. You noticed he looked you up and down. Professional, you thought to yourself professional. Removing your coat Charlie gently grabbed it from you, placing it on a coat rack.

"Nice place." You spoke, turning around.

"It's not much, my friend Donna actually helped me decorate everything. Would you like something to drink?"

"Sure, anything is fine," you spoke, Charlie walking past a wall to your right, "I should take tips from Donna here, my apartment is looking a little bad. "

"I can give you her number if you would like." He spoke loudly from across the room.

"That would be nice." You walked closer to the wall, getting a little startled as Charlie walked to you with a beer, "Thank you, about earlier I'm sorry I didn't answer. I left my phone at my desk."

Charlie grabbed a drink, pointing at the couch for you to sit, him sitting in the solo armchair, "No worries, I figured you were busy."

"I was actually helping Maia, getting things fixed."

"Oh, really? Were you able to resolve her issue?"

"We will find out soon, but I do hope so." You took a sip of the beer. "How is the play going?"

He raised his eyebrows, swallowing his beer, "Very well, we have a couple more months before the big show. Just having to do research on some plays to make it successful."

"Oh, the big show?" You crossed your legs, "Tell me more."

He smiled, his eyes squinting, "Once a year, there is a week solely for showing what the students learn, big people show up for grants, and possibly being picked up for broadway."

"Never knew that was a thing, theatre is so interesting to me."

"You should come to one of the rehearsals one day. We could get a perspective from you."

"That would actually be amazing, just let me know." You heard ringing from the kitchen, making Charlie stand up.

"How do you like Chicken and vegetables?" He asked you, glancing back as he walked to the kitchen.

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