The Nominee

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You couldn't breathe in a rhythmic pattern, having to take slow deep breaths. Millions of tiny needles pricking on your skin as you stood on the soft doormat, huffing out air, you knocked the door, the tray in your hand shaking lightly. The door opening softly, confusion set on your face, a small smile escaping on your lips. "Hi, are you allowed to be opening the door by yourself?"

"I was getting ready for school until I heard you knock on the door," Henry spoke as he bent down to pat Sunny's head. "My dad is still getting ready. You can come in. Don't worry about Sunny. If she makes a mess, I will clean it."

Nodding as you entered the house, it was no longer empty from the last time. Decorations and plants filling the open spaces, seeing different shades of gray scattered on the walls. Noticing you were tapping your foot, the excitement in your body rose as heavy footsteps above you got closer. The noise of your pulse, deafening you. Charlie placing his cardigan on didn't notice you standing by the door until he was entering the kitchen. His eyes widening with surprise, walked in front of you, immediately placing his hands on your arms.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were still away?" Henry running up the stairs, Charlie grabbed your face tightly, his soft lips pressing onto yours for long seconds, your hands finding his wrist to hold onto. Pulling away, you had to blink from his hard kiss, realizing the scratchiness of his subtle stubble. "You didn't say you were coming back?"

"I took my exam yesterday, and I don't know, I just had to come back." You eyed his face seeing if Charlie knew the news you found out earlier, "I got news on the way here, did you hear?"

Henry's feet rushing down the stairs, Charlie eyed his watch, "Shit, you're going to be late for school. Do you want to come with me quickly to drop him off? Is that for us?" Charlie pointed at the bags and tray in your hands.

"Sure, I have nothing better to do. These are muffins. I got Henry hot chocolate, and you coffee." Handing Henry his items, Charlie placed his hands on the small of your back, leading you out of the house to his car.

It all felt very domestic. Charlie walking in front of both you and Henry to open your doors at the same time, his smile bright on his face, seeing his honey irises shining from the sun setting above him. Glancing back at Henry in the car, you held Sunny in front of him to grab, which he did with no hesitations. Charlie turning his head, placed his hand behind your headrest while he reversed from his driveway.

"So what's this news? Did you pass your exam?" Charlie questioned, tapping his fingers on the wheel in a rhythm.

"Wait, is that why were you away?" Henry chimed in, taking a sip of his hot chocolate.

You turned your head to Henry. "Partially, I needed a vacation. I was supposed to take it here, but they let me take it back where I live."

Nodding his head, he took a bite from his muffin, "Oh okay, I was asking where you were, and then my dad sa-"

Charlie clearing his throat, took a sip from his coffee before scrunching his nose, "Henry, eat your food." His cheeks starting to blush from embarrassment, you arrived at the school, parking in front of the door. Sunny jumping on your lap, Henry sat forward to hug Charlie. Looking at you for a while, you could see the question he had in his mind, trying to see if he should hug you or not. Smiling at him, Henry opened the door, waving one last time before disappearing into the school. "I was not expecting to see you at all today," Charlie spoke, petting Sunny. Gripping your thigh, he placed it back on the wheel, heading back to his house.

Tapping your fingers on your lap, Charlie noticed your nervousness, his hand meeting yours, "Have you gotten any calls today? Emails?" You questioned, the gift for Charlie sitting in your pocket, basically stabbing you.

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