What do I do?

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WARNING: Mentions and descriptions of blood. A lot of it.

11 hours before

A mix of coffee, waffles, and syrup flooded your nostrils, the silence of the room making the flick of your pen loud. Eyeing the multiple numbers on the sheet of paper, you squinted before looking up. Charlie's eyes focused on you as he took the sip of his coffee, looking over at Henry, who was stuffing his face with a waffle. Adding the score to the page, you held it to your chest, making the emotions on your face not show through.

"Well?" Charlie questioned, taking his turn to place a waffle in his mouth. Holding up the page, Henry dropped his shoulders, Charlie exhaling air before sitting back in his chair.

"You only missed four, Henry, but we can easily go over these problems to make you more comfortable with these. Then you will be all set to take your test."

Your phone buzzing in your pocket, you breathed a small apology. Being kind enough, or instead didn't want you to go, Charlie had let you stay overnight to head to your early meeting with Jasmine and Stefan. Henry, on his way home from basketball practice, Charlie had asked you over for a late breakfast. You both ended up on the couch talking before your lips crashed, his hand going down your pants. Struggling to be comfortable, your back ended up on his wall. Legs wrapping around his waist as he plunged into you. Eyeing the text message from Jasmine about a case closing, you noticed Charlie on his phone too, a frown settling on his face.

Henry realizing what Charlie was doing, tilted his head back. "You have to go to work today?" Charlie glanced at you before placing a hand on the table near Henry.

"I do, big guy, I'm sorry. I know we were supposed to do things today, but I can't miss this rehearsal. Trust me, if I could, I would. I'll drop you off at your mom's on the way and pick up food on the way back since I won't have time to pick up all the things for the dinner." Charlie spoke softly, nodding his head in reassurance. You could see how he didn't want to disappoint Henry at all, not having the control over what he could do.

Smiling small at Charlie, you grabbed your cup of coffee, feeling the room get quiet again. Catching sight of Henry, he was already looking at you, crossing his arms, before dropping his chin to his arm. "Can she grab all the things we need for dinner? Maybe she can watch me for today?" Henry spoke while you widened your eyes, not expecting the words that came out of his mouth.

"You'd want that, Henry?" Henry nodding quickly at Charlie's words, he looked at you, "Would you be willing to?"

You couldn't say no, fully seeing that Henry had suggested it. It wasn't forced on him, so he wanted to spend time with you alone. Right? "Of course, I will."

Henry smiling, excused himself from the table to get ready for the day. Charlie getting up to gather your plates, you sat on the chair thinking about what just happened, the words that Henry spoke finally settled in your brain. Biting your lip, you got up to stand next to Charlie by the sink. Placing his hand on the small of your back, he leaned in to kiss you while you moved your head back, surprising him.

"What do I do? I mean, I've watched him before, but I don't know what to do for a full day." You questioned, placing your hands on his chest.

"You'll be alright. I'm sure you and Henry will find things to do along the day. I'll give you a list of everything we need for dinner tonight if you want to stay?"

"Why not? Maybe I'll finally get my cooking lesson?"

Charlie leaning down again, kissed your lips, "Let's see if somewhere in there, you have Alex's cooking skill?" He joked, placing one more quick kiss on your lips before starting the dishes.

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