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Drinking your tea, you held it on your tongue, afraid of the pain that was going to consume you if you swallowed. Moving your leg, you stretched it, the muscles on your ass sore. What did Charlie do last night? Thinking back to him, lifting your leg and thrusting you. That could be why. You eyed the conference room around you, filled with faces you weren't familiar with, the room doused in the smell of coffee. Accidentally kicking the man in the leg in front of you, he glared at you, which you mouthed your apology.

"I don't want to be here. And then we have a networking party tonight with older people. How boring." Hunter spoke, eyeing her donut, a frown placed on her face.

"Can I add older people who will hire you after you move on from West Legal," Max spoke, drinking his tea, pushing the glasses up to the bridge of his nose.

A cold shiver ran up your spine, stunning you, goosebumps rising on your skin, "Is it just me, or is it cold in here?" You asked, warming your hands on your thigh. Max lifted a hand up to your forehead, Hunter pressing her fingertips on the pulse of your neck, which you swatted off laughing.

"You are hot, oh no, I mean you are beautiful, but that didn-" Max embarrassingly spoke his cheeks flushing.

"Max, you are okay. I understood what you said. I think I am catching the cold or something."

"I am blaming Carl for your sickness. The fucker was sick a couple of days ago." Hunter spoke, twisting her hair with her pen. Your phone vibrated on your lap, a text message from Charlie appeared.

"Busy rehearsal today. How are you doing?" You began to type, seeing another one appear, "And baby?"

You brought a hand to your lips, hiding your smile, "Busy meeting today makes me angry, and why not, baby?"

"I don't hate it. You'll get through it today."

Hearing the door open to the conference room, you heard Hunter whisper under her breath, "Here we go, let's see who took my position." Turning your phone off, you looked up smiling, which disappeared when you saw who it was.

Brown hair neatly combed down, pale skin, and green eyes, stood next to Stefan, smiling as he gazed at the room, his eyes meeting yours. "Everyone meet my new assistant, Parker Williams." The same confident eyes you looked at when you left him alone. A headache formed at your temple, the ringing in your ears the only sound in your eardrums

Feeling a hand on your lap, you looked at Hunter, who put two and two together, "The hell is this? Are you okay?" Nodding, you looked at Stefan. This is what he was trying to tell you this whole time.

"When I am at my office, Parker will be filling for me and vice versa. He is here to help you when I am away. Parker, why don't you introduce yourself." Stefan sitting at the head of the conference table, smiled a small smile at you, fixing his tie and looking at Parker.

"Hello everyone, As mentioned, I am Parker Williams. I worked at my father's law firm back in Florida," Hearing a clap, he laughed, placing a hand in his pocket, "From there too, I see, I know a couple of people here from there," he looked at you, "If you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out to me." Looking at your lap, you inhaled deeply, fighting back tears.

Parker sitting down, the meeting began. Cases being raised in the conversations trying to agree on points of law and undisputed facts. Being focused on the piece of blank paper in front of you, feeling Parker's eyes glance at you to get your attention. Before you knew it, the meeting was over, the fever on your body, making you feel fatigued. You needed to get home.

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