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Walking up with a terrible hangover: headache, dizzy, sleepy, nothing a shower, and some medicine couldn’t fix. Dressing in a white turtleneck, black blazer, black pants, and your black pumps and doing your hair the best you could do. Finally, deciding that today would be best to make your bed.

Walking into the kitchen, packing your bag and briefcase, you stared at your empty apartment. It didn’t feel like home yet, which you were hoping to soon. The women you met with last night messaged you in the morning. Maia was her name; she also gave you the address to where she was going.

You were nervous, not because you would give Maia free legal advice, you would see Charlie, which you didn’t know why. Yes, he was attractive, but something about him made you want to sit down and flip every page in the book and drown in words, his words.

But this was a professional setting, not a place to look for someone you could hook up with, that’s what you wanted to believe.

Sitting at your cubicle, Hunter walked up to you, tea in her hand. You frowned at her, furrowing your brows.

“ Good morning, sorry for leaving you behind last night. I brought you tea.”

You chuckled, “ It was funny but next time, make sure the team is together, and thanks for the tea.”

“ Can you proofread this file for me too and file it? Thanks.”

“ Oh, so you brought me tea to file this for you, sneaky bitch.” You opened the folder looking at the file, “ This is defective, there is no date, or how to make payments so they can’t evict this client.”

“ Great job, now if you can, please file it for me. Thanks, babe.” Hunter winked at you before walking off.

Max was walking with a man who looked like he was in his mid-thirties, nice suit you were guessing he was Stefan. Placing your file in your to-do pile, you stood up, Max reaching you.

“ You must be her,” Stefan extended his hand, grabbing yours, “ I am Stefan, one of the top lawyers here with Jamie. Where did you go to school?”

“ Miami School of Law.” You responded, crossing your hands over your chest.

“ And you are studying for the bar?”

Every second you had your nose in a book, “ Every day Stefan.”

“ Good, breaks are good too, don’t get burnt out. I will be in my office. Don’t be afraid to ask Jamie or me any questions.”

Stefan walked away into his office, and Max walked next to you.

“ So you’re not mad about last night?”

“ Well, if I were in a jail cell, I probably would be pissed, but I’m good for right now. ”

“ Kind of funny, that we forgot about you, but at the same time we knew. Anyway, I have things to research. See you later.”

Walking to the door of Stefan, you knocked it lightly, “ Hey, can I talk to you for a second?” You asked him.

Placing papers into his briefcase, he waved his hand for you to come in, “ I have a client in a couple of minutes. What can I help you with?”

“ I met with young women last night who got evicted from her apartment complex without notice, I offered to give her legal advice, but I want to check it by you first.”

“ You didn’t talk with the landlord, did you?” Stefan asked, crossing his arms. Stefan was very intimidating tall, muscular, clean-shaven, and his chocolate-colored slicked to the side hair. His expensive watch clung on his wrist, his cologne intense, blue eyes staring into yours.

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