A Day in London

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I assume we were no longer trying to go to school through this mess. I was woken from my death sleep sometime in the late afternoon. Mammon came in, and shook me from the slumber.

"Hey! Min! Get up will ya! Lucifer's taking us shopping! Get up, get up, get up!" I felt his arms hook around my own, dragging me out of the bed.

I felt a low groan roll in my throat quickly climbing into a loud panicking scream. I riggled as hard as I could desperately wanting to return to my bed. "Nooooo! Let me sleeepppp! I'll cry, I'll fucking do it." I sniffed, looking up at Mammon.

He started squishing my face. "Hey, no need for tears, Lucifer's taking us shopping!" He cooed happily.

"At least let me put my clothes on!" I pulled free of him, noticing Satan standing at the door. I stared at him a moment before it clicked. I turned and pulled on a sweater, some leggings, and my boots. I made sure to grab my necklace, throwing it on. Then the three of us left to shop.

As we walked along Mammon couldn't stop himself from fawning over items he believed to have resale value. I honestly wasn't paying much attention to him, still frustrated how he pulled me out of bed. I walked alongside Lucifer, glancing at him from time to time.

"Lucifer, my FAVORITE big brother! You gotta buy that for me! You gotta!" he continued to beg both affectionately and threateningly.

Lucifer glanced at me. "Leave him be, Min. Pretend you don't know him."

"Whaaat? Come on! Lucifer! How is this fair, Here it is my day off, and you're draggin' me out shopping with you! And you're not even gonna reward me for it? C'mon, you could at least buy me a magic stone... or a hundred!"

I scowled at him. I adored that idiot but right now I was seconds from strangling him.

"Seriously?" Lucifer sighed. "The entire reason I brought you along with me to begin with is to get you away from Satan. When you two pair up, nothing good ever comes of it, Especially when I am expected to clean up the mess... Tomorrow is my big speech. It's almost time..."

Mammon moved to walk alongside us. "Doncha think it's about time to give in and ask Satan to do it for you? You're sorta out of options here. I mean, all ya gotta say is, "Satan, no funny business this time. Give the speech and be done with it."

Lucifer scowled at him. "I have no intention of begging him for his help. Even if I did do that, I couldn't be sure that he wouldn't end up trying something nefarious anyway."

Mammon a hand through his white hair, rubbing the back of his neck. "You sure about that?"

"I am. This is Satan we're talking about. I highly doubt he would simply do as I asked."

Mammon kept his serious expression. "After everything that went down inside that game, Satan seems like he's changed some. Soncha think?"

Lucifer game Mammon a tiered expression.

I glanced at him, gently reaching out and touching Lucifer's shoulder. "Mammon's right, there's something different."

Mammon perked up. "Exactly. That's what I'm sayin'! He, see's it too! See, you're smart, Min! Did ya hear that, Lucifer? He AGREES with me! Like, how do I put it...? It's like, h's more chill when it comes to you now. He's not all bitter and stuff anymore."

Lucifer smiled at me. "Come on, Min. Let's go into this store here."

Mammon scowled. "Hey! Are you even listening?"

Lucifer shook his head. "No, not at all. Also, I don't believe he's changed. We're talking about Satan. Since he came into existence his entire purpose in life has been to defy me. And you're suggesting he's changed? Overnight?"

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