Siren's Call

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I draped across my bed. Shirt tossed, crumpled to the floor, leaving me only in my sleep shorts. I couldn't help thinking over what Luke had said to me.

"Never Trust a demon. Especially when that demon is Lucifer."

That was what he said, and under any circumstance other than this, I would be able to take that advice. But my life for then next year depends on being able to trust that I'm safe here. I pressed my lips into a thin line. I can't sleep. I wondered if this was a side effect of being off my anxiety meds. I should really talk to Lucifer and see if I could somehow acquire some necessities from the human world.

I closed my eyes trying to force it, when I heard a voice.


I shot up and looked around the room.

"Help... Someone help me..."

It almost felt how a siren's call was described. A chill ran through my spine. It felt like I had no choice to follow the voice. I pulled on a long shirt and some sweatpants over my shorts, and then I stepped out into the hall. The only difference between night and day in the Devildom was the lights in the hall were dimmed, the sky was always dark, stars brightly shining down. I walked calmly through the dark halls, my fear of dark, shadowy corridors snuffed out by my overwhelming curiosity.

It felt wrong, the further I followed the voice. I noticed the volume never became louder, and I just had a sense of where to go. It was then I discovered a spiral staircase.

"Hello?" I called softly up the stairs.

"Help... Over here!"

After a moment I took a step onto the stairs. I made it up a very short way when Lucifer's voice broke what felt like a trance.



"Stop right there. You'll go no farther... That's not a place for humans. It's dangerous. Go back to your room."

I believed him. I could tell it was dangerous. Even so, something inside me was telling me to continue. How could I ignore the voice, even if it was a mistake?

"No." I said simply glancing back up the stairs.

He gave me a dark look, but it quickly shifted into much more horrifying laughter.

"Interesting. I think I'm starting to understand, but you can't say no. I'm not giving you a choice." The way he emphasized his words left cold blowing right through me. "Now then, back to your room. If you value your life, You'll do as I say."

I frowned a bit, but nodded. I wasn't sure if it was a warning for the top of the stairs, or a threat. But it didn't really matter. "Ok but will you walk with me? I need to talk to you about something."

He frowned, but turned to follow me down the stairs. "I hope this isn't your attempt at a distraction."

I shook my head at him. "No, It's actually a rather serious topic that I need some help with, and I can't really trust Mammon with it currently. And I don't really want anyone else to know."

He continued to frown. "If that's the case, I have time to talk in my room."

I nodded a bit dumbly and followed behind him. 'Never trust a demon', Luke said. What else could I do?

I followed Lucifer into his room, and to the fireplace where two chairs sat next to a chess table.

"Please, Make yourself comfortable." He said coolly.

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