Night Out in London

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Once we arrived back in London Mammon was happily bouncing around. "Everything feels new and exciting bein' here in the human world. Like how it's not dark all the time like it is in the Devildom! Ya know what I mean?"

Lucifer signed. "That's what you think is so great about the human world?"

I watched them talk for a second, just walking alongside Satan.

I felt him slightly nudge me. "How does it feel being back in the human world after so long? Does it make you want to return home?"

I hadn't expected to be asked. "... No... I don't want to go back yet..."

He seemed to be disappointed by that answer. "If you're worried about offending us, there's no need to be."

I laughed a little. "I mean it... I'm looking forward to going back to the house of Lamentation."

He watched me for a moment before smiling. "I guess you have managed to blend in perfectly among us demons. So, maybe you're actually being honest."

We ended up in a large shopping mall. Mammon seemed to be enjoying harassing employees and trying to get Lucifer to spoil him.

Satan and I both wandered to a Gelato stand. I perked up gasping. "Hey, gelato! I haven't been to a Gelato place since I was in Rome!"

Satan tilted his head. "What's Gelato?"

I smiled brightly at him. "It's a frozen treat! It's just good."

He turned his head. "Oi! Lucifer, check this out."

He moved to join us. "Ruby Tomato Gelato... all the flavors look good. "

Satan smiled a bit, placing a hand on his chest. "I think I'll try it, It'll make for an interesting story when we go back."

I felt Mammon grab my shoulders and look over me. "Oooh... Yea, good idea! I'll take a picture and send it to Beel to show off!"

Lucifer shook his head. "I have no intention of buying gelato for a complete stranger."

Mammon made a soft whining sound. "But it's me, Mammon! Y'know,,, your sweet little brother! You love me, remember?!"

Lucifer sighed, but it wasn't long before we all had Gelato. The gooey feeling washed my heart. Satan paused outside a store. I followed him quickly.

"Hey, where are you go- oOOH books!"

He glanced at me with a soft chuckle. "There really is no better place in the human world when it comes to buying books. Look at this here. It's a first edition. You could never find a book this special in the Devil Dog. But not only do they have it here, it doesn't even cost much. I can't believe how cheap it is!"

Mammon sighed. "HEY! Shatan! Aren't you done yet? C'mon, enough lookin' at books! Let's get movin'! We've got places to be!"

I frowned a little, taking a bite. "WH-where are we going?"

He laughed, grabbing me and tugging me out of the shop where Lucifer was waiting. "It's a place you can't miss in London!"

"Ah! Lucifer help!" I called.

I watched his face go from confused to a gentle chuckle. Satan also joined, laughing at the display of being dragged around. They were- "Ai, stap laughing! Lucifer!"

"All right, Min! Seein' as though two are clueless. I guess we should explain what I'm talkin' about! Tell 'em Min. What's one thing you have to check out when you're in London."

I blinked and glanced down thinking it over. "Ah," I smiled a bit, looking up at him. "One of the wonderful Museums? Tho it's a little late in the day to go really look through a set of exhibits. But It would still be fun to-"

He interrupted me. "No... No man, We gotta check out Ascot Racecourse! Duh."

I pouted a bit. "Laaame."

"Come to think of it." Satan joined at our side. "I actually picked up something nice back at the market. Look."

Lucifer hummed. "Is that a ticket?"

I never expected the night we had. From shopping we went to a play at a beautiful London theater. It was several hours of Mammon crying over an over dramatic story in a beautiful theater. And then back to the Bar we had started the adventure in. Like a fantasy adventure where the DND party returns to the tavern they started their quest.

"To London at night." Satan said, raising a glass.

We all cheered, and I stared down into my glass of water. It had been such a fun day. A new song came on, Mammon gently tapped my arm. "Min! Whaddya say you and me dance?"

I opened my mouth to say something before Lucifer took my hand. "Yes, what do you say we all head onto the floor, Min?"

This was very familiar and yet very different from a few days before. We all moved onto the dance floor.

"WHa- What's the big idea?! Why're you two common along, hu?" Mammon complained.

Satan hummed softly. "Well, won't it be more fun if we all dance together?"

Mammon growled a little. I laughed a little and bumped my hip against him, swaying to the music. "Come on, Just dance with us."

After a bit of time dancing I heard Satan chuckle.

I glanced at him. "Are you laughing at me?~"

He shook his head. "Just thinking how you've improved as a dancer in a short time."

"Yes, he really is a fast learner." Lucifer joined in.

I snorted teasing them back. "Stop making fun of me, Let me dance bad and have fun."

Mammon growled again. "Dammit! You guys are ruining, my big night out with Min!"

Satan mocked the offence. "You mean a night out with me isn't good enough for you?"


I felt a hand gently touch my arm, and I looked up at Lucifer.

"You really seem to be enjoying yourself, Min.. Do you wish that you could stay here in the human world instead of going back?"

I turned dancing with him, remembering only a few days before how much he seemed to despise me. "Honestly? This has been... so much fun... But I'm ready to go back home."

He nodded, eyes watching me. His expression was tender, more so than I was used to. "That is unsurprising."

" So are we about to go home? " I asked.

A hint of surprise sparked in his eyes. "What?"

"Home? I mean it's been fun, being up here, going on this mission, partying. But we're all about to go back home to rest for tomorrow, right?"

"You're... you're talking about the House of Lamentations?" Something warm bloomed in his eyes but I couldn't quite make it out. "You have a strange taste."

I laughed a little. "You and Satan both asked me if I'm feeling home sick... I miss my mother... and my friends... but I'm not ready to leave you guys yet."

He nodded. "Until then, I appreciate you putting up with us a little longer."

I laughed a little. "Likewise."

From over my shoulder I could hear Satan complaining. "Mammon! Don;t step on my feet! You're so bad at this!"

We danced the night away, early hours in the morning we were returned to our home, and the gentle embrace of sleep.

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