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*that evening*

"baba?" zayn quietly says, after picking up the call. he's a bit scared that the call was accidental and his father will hang up once he realises. he doesn't want that. despite what happened last time, his parents are still his parents and he loves them unconditionally. "baba? are you there?"

"hmm," yaser hums lowly. zayn can picture him in his office, with his glasses on and picking at his sweater— a nervous habit.

"everything okay?" zayn asks, pinching his thigh to keep himself grounded. harry's in the kitchen cooking dinner, blue is asleep in his room, his father is on the line, and zayn has never felt so alone. he's going to throw up things he hasn't eaten. that's how bad his anxiety is getting. yaser doesn't say a thing and zayn knows he's just as anxious as zayn. "i'm sorry, baba. for what happened last time. i overreacted."

"it wasn't— i shouldn't— it's—"

"we don't have to talk about it," zayn says. "we can ignore it ever happened and i'll come visit soon, and everything will be a-okay."

"i made him leave," comes yaser's reply. "i don't know why i let your phuppo convince me, but it was stupid. you can come visit whenever you want and i promise he won't be here."

"i'm sorry, baba," zayn repeats. "i really, really miss you and mamma. it's been so lonely," he admits, choking on his words. "it's been so hard not to speak to you guys. god, these past months have been hell. i just want to come home."

"you should. whenever you want. i'll even pick you up," yaser says. zayn can hear his mum and sisters in the background. all three of them. and he's never felt more homesick.

"yeah. i'll make sure to visit soon," zayn promises. "listen, i'll call you back later. alright? i've got to go."

"so soon? we've barely talked," yaser says, sounding a bit disappointed, making zayn's heart ache.

"yeah. um, h-harry— he, um, needs me." zayn squeezes his eyes shut and clenches his jaw. "i'll, erm, i'll call you tomorrow, baba."

"alright. take care."

"yeah. you too," zayn mumbles hanging up and sighing loudly right after.

"why did you lie?" harry suddenly asks, standing in the doorway, with his arms crossed over his chest, holding a wooden spoon in one hand. zayn's head shoots up at harry's sudden appearance. "i didn't need you, z. why did you lie to your dad?"

"i don't— is dinner ready?" zayn changes the subject, standing up. a bit too quick because his vision goes black for a second and he almost falls back. "fucking hell," he mumbles, rubbing his eyes.

"are you okay?" harry asks, stepping towards him with a worried look on his face. zayn smiles and nods.

"yeah. all good. so, dinner?" zayn spots a piece of paper on the floor and suddenly lets out a loud groan. "agh, that's horrid. oh god."

"huh? what?" harry tilts his head as zayn covers his face.

"imagine getting a paper cut in your eyeball," zayn says, his face completely twisted up and a look of grimace on it. harry winces and rubs his own eyes.

"why in the world would you think of that?"

"there's a piece of paper lying on the floor," zayn answers, pointing at it. harry shakes his head still rubbing one of his eyes when the door slams open.

"there's no way— oh, hey!" louis loudly says, walking in with luke beside him. "luke and i have a question."

"i really hate all of you. why do you keep barging in?"

"oh fuck off, curly."

"i hope you get a paper cut in your eye," harry grumbles. louis stares at him for a few seconds with a horrified look on his face.

"that's— wow. what the fuck. luke," louis cries, pointing at harry like a child. luke leans down and whispers something in louis' ear. louis nods and hums and then thanks luke. "i hope you get a paper cut on your dick." harry gasps and covers his crotch.

"get out of my house," harry dramatically cries, looking away from the two blue eyed boys. zayn watches them in silence, swaying a bit in his place, feeling dizzy as ever.

"no. you get out," louis says, folding his arms over his chest. zayn slowly sits down again, letting harry and louis continue with whatever the fuck they're doing.

"it's my house," harry argues, glaring at louis. luke quietly makes his way over to zayn and sits down next to him.

"are you okay?" he whispers, not wanting to draw any attention. zayn shrugs and leans his head back. he feels nauseous, like there's a bile in his throat. luke places his hand on zayn's cheek and then forehead, checking his temperature. "you're a bit warm, mate."

"no, i'm actually fucking cold," zayn mumbles, curling in on himself. he's wearing a thick hoodie and wool flannel over it. he lays down, curling up again and luke watches with worried eyes, placing his hand on zayn's bony ankle once he's settled.

"hey, where did zayn go?" louis suddenly asks, looking over at luke.

"he's laying down," luke says, pointing at zayn. "i think he might coming down with something." both louis and harry walk over to the sofa, their previous banter completely forgotten. harry kneels down in front of zayn, wondering what happened, because he was fine just a few minutes ago. louis stares down at the half asleep boy, trying to figure out what has changed about zayn's face.

"z," harry softly says, cupping zayn's cheek. zayn hums in return and pushes into harry's hands. "do you feel sick, darling?"

"no," zayn mumbles. "i'm asleep. leave me be."


"get up, asshole, you need to eat some dinner and take an ibuprofen and go to sleep," louis says, grabbing zayn's arm and pulling him up. he's seen it all before and he knows all too well what will happen if they let it go on this way.

"fuck off, i don't want to," zayn grumbles, hiding his face. he knows he needs to eat, but he actually feels sick. louis leans down to whisper in zayn's ear.

"if you don't get up to eat something right this moment, i'll tell harry about your problem," louis whispers. and okay, louis'll admit it's a bit mean to do that, but it's the only way to get zayn to listen.

"you always do this," zayn mumbles, feeling tired and on the verge of crying.

"i wouldn't have to if you'd just talk to me, zayn." louis stands up straight again and motions to luke. "we're leaving. if zayn doesn't eat dinner i want you to tell me, haz. okay?" harry eyes him weirdly but nods either way, thinking that louis might have noticed the same things as him.

"alright. d'you want some dinner?" harry asks, walking them out. louis shakes his head.

"nah, we ordered pizza," louis says. "it should be here soon. i could bring you some, if you want?"

"err, no. i made dinner," harry mumbles, pointing back at the kitchen.

"alright. i'll come by tomorrow," louis states, walking out. luke smiles, tells harry bye and follows after louis.

"z, babe, you ok?" harry asks, kneeling down in front of zayn again, who is sitting up again.

"can we eat in here?" zayn asks in return, knowing that he can turn on the tv, which will distract harry, and not eating will be easier.

"alright. yeah. okay," harry says, standing up and begrudgingly walking off. zayn turns on the tv and pulls his knees up to his chest as reruns of friends play.

and when harry comes back with two plates, zayn pretends to eat, and harry pretends not to notice it. and when zayn offers to wash the dishes, harry acts as if zayn's plate isn't full. and it's an awful way to deal with their problems, but when both are scared of confrontation what more can they do.

a bit of a shit chapter. i'm sorry.

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