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zayn can't remember the last time he prayed, it has been a really, really long time. but today he sits on the prayer mat, hands tied together as he faces the sky. he knows it doesn't make sense to ask for what he's asking. i mean, a gay muslim, asking god to make whatever he and harry have last.

being gay is one of the biggest sins in islam. and zayn doesn't believe that, he thinks that if god is real, then he'd love everyone equally. he wouldn't hate someone for who they love. but even though he doesn't think god would hate him, he's still scared of what is planned for him and harry in afterlife. so he prays, he prays for their safety, for forgiveness, for a long and healthy life for him and his lover.

he prays for everyone, for his friends and family, even for people he doesn't know. and he hopes that someone listens to him. he lets out a sigh and gets off the prayer mat, the serenity he felt whilst praying still running through his veins. he hears the door open and watches harry enter the room, but he stays on the floor, knowing harry will just join him there.

"hey," zayn says, pressing his lips on harry's, but harry pulls away in mere seconds. zayn frowns at that as he watches harry for a second. "what's wrong?"

"i have a huge problem, zee," harry replies, emphasising the word huge. zayn internally panics, but stays calm on the outside.

"what is it?" zayn asks, taking harry's hands in his own and placing a small kiss on both of them. the action makes harry smile a bit, but as fast as it appears, it disappears too.

"it's really big, like the biggest problem ever," harry continues, still not telling zayn the actual problem. which indicates that the problem isn't big at all. because had it actually been big, then harry would have spilled the moment he walked in. but zayn lets him do whatever, lets him rant about 'the biggest problem ever,' until harry tells him the actual problem. "it's so big, that there aren't enough words to express how big the problem is!"

"oh god, that's awful, harry. we'll have to fix it soon," zayn says and harry nods.

"if we don't fix it, the world will end, zee," harry exaggerates, he even gesticulates for zayn how the world would end. zayn bites his lip to hide his smile.

"what was the problem, haz?" he asks.

"right! the problem! i want vanilla ice cream, z. but we don't have any, neither do the weirdos outside have any. and i really, really want- no, need it!" harry dramatically falls into zayn's arms, resting his head on the older boy's shoulder.

"you cheeky monkey! you had me worried for a second," zayn says, referring to when harry first came in. harry giggles, but doesn't say anything. "i'll go to the store and fetch some, alright?" zayn offers and harry nods. they both get up, share a small kiss and with that they leave the room.

"you are the absolute best! i also want chocolate, chips, pizza, gummy bears, and some nice drinks, please," harry politely requests. zayn nods, he already knows what harry wants. harry always wants the same thing.

"does anyone want to come with me, please?" zayn asks as they enter the living room, where the other three young lads are seated.

"where?" the three speak in unison and immediately give each other a dirty look, as if to ask 'why did you speak at the same time as me.'

"supermarket," zayn replies and niall offers to go. the other two stay seated and harry plops down in between of liam and louis. "message me if you want anything," zayn tells liam and louis. they nod and with that zayn and niall leave. "let's go, leprechaun!" niall abruptly stops walking and looks zayn dead in the eye.

"that's really rude," niall says with a small frown on his face, and for a second zayn worries he actually got niall angry. but niall playfully shoves zayn and walks away, swinging his hips back and forth in a over dramatic way, flipping his non-existent long hair. zayn lets out a loud laugh and follows niall.

"am i paying or are you?" niall asks as they leave the house. zayn throws his arm around, and niall wraps his arm around zayn's waist.

"i'm taking you, so i'm paying, little one," zayn says and niall scoffs.

"we're literally the same height!" niall exclaims as they get in the car and zayn makes a disapproving sound.

"but i'm older, innit?" zayn smirks, starting the car and turning on some music. niall pouts and turns his body away from zayn, in a childlike manner.


"you're awful, zayn! why would you do such thing to me?" harry cries, lying on the floor in foetus position. zayn gets on the floor next to harry and gently rubs his back.

"i'm sorry, love." zayn presses a kiss on harry's head, and harry just groans in response. he rolls over and looks zayn straight in the eye.

"how could let me destroy myself like that? why would you let me eat that much? why did you bring that much food? was this your plan all along? to kill me by overfeeding me?" harry dramatically asks, he punches the older boy's leg softly. zayn bursts out laughing, really loud too. "i fucking hate you! how dare you laugh at my misery, at my pain?"

"i love you too, babe." the second those words leave zayn's mouth, both boys freeze. he wasn't supposed to say it yet, and especially not like this. now harry is going to think he's joking. he's going to think that zayn is a fool for saying it so soon (even if they have been dating for a year). oh god, he messed up big time.

"i- say that- that again?" harry's voice comes out unsure and full of hope. he fears he hadn't heard it right, or maybe zayn didn't mean it, maybe-

"i- i love you," zayn hesitantly states. he's still scared that harry will suddenly start hating him. but all his doubts disappear as harry presses his lips on zayn's. wrapping his arms around the older boy tightly.

"bloody hell, that took you so long. i've been waiting so long, like seven months. you really don't know how bad i wanted to hear that," harry chuckles, one hand still on zayn's cheek. zayn leans into the touch, watching harry with big eyes. "i love you, too."

hi, please read my other stories too. i love you bye.

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