Chapter Fifteen

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It turns out that the sea wasn't actually the closest.

The small group had walked for about another half an hour or so before they found a lake in a cliff-lined clearing at the edge of the forest. However, a quick investigation was enough to know that what they were looking for wasn't there.

"Wasn't the second direction 'a deep blue?'" Eclipse recalled as they walked away.

"Yeah, that's right," Varian told her.

"Well, the ocean is deep and all so it does make the most sense that it would be there," Cass mumbled.

"Exactly. Let's go." Eclipse flew ahead, faster than the other two, leaving them to trail behind as they continued.


Rapunzel looked around her room then down at her bag. What else would she need for this trip? It, hopefully, shouldn't be a long one but you never know what you might need when trying to stop your ex-best friend and a child she kidnapped from finding a divine power.

The princess' attention was then drawn to soft knocking on her door. She went over and opened it.

"Ready to go?" Eugene asked.

He was stood with the rest of their group. Everyone had their own small bags packed and ready.

"Sorry, guys," Rapunzel told them with an apologetic smile. "I'm having a hard time trying to decide what I'm gonna need."

"How much stuff do you really need?" Keira asked. "If we do this right, it should only be a one-day trip."

"I know," the princess said with a sigh. "I'm just wondering if there's something important we're going to need? If Cass has mind controlled Varian then-"

"If she has, then we find a way to grab the kid and then run," Lance told her. He had a confident shine to his eyes that made Rapunzel feel a little better.

"Alright then." Rapunzel closed her bag and pulled it over her shoulder. "Let's go then. Where should we start?"

"Quirin said he has the power of the sea right?" Catalina said. "Then the sea sounds like a good place."

They all agreed and then left to start the trip.


"Oh my goodness."

"It's beautiful!"

"Isn't it?"

Varian, Cassandra and Eclipse all stared at the glorious sight. The sea was bedazzled in the soft light of the setting sun, making it look like the waves were almost glowing with pale yellow light. Behind it was an array of pinks and oranges as the sky began to darken.

"That's something you don't see everyday," Cassandra murmured with a small smile.

Varian and Eclipse nodded at her statement.

"I think this is it," Varian told them as he looked around and eyed the cliffs that made up the headland where farmer's fields and livestock pens could be seen.

In some of the cliffs, there were small caves. However, there was one that had the alchemist's eye: a cave in a far cliff that was much bigger than the rest, either by erosion or maybe by some other, more magical cause, perhaps?

"We should set up camp for the night," Cassandra said, snapping Varian out of his thoughts.

The three of them climbed up the cliffs and made camp in one of the smaller caves. They started a fire and pulled out their sleeping bags then set about making dinner.

"Any ideas as to where we should start tomorrow?" Eclipse asked as she gazed out at the night sky. She was fully solid now which put her in a good mood.

"There's a cave further down I want to check," Varian told her as he helped himself to the potatoes and gravy. "It's bigger than the other caves around here. It might just be by chance but I have a sort of..." He paused to look for the word. "...feeling that there's something there."

"Well, you are the one with the magical power connection," Cassandra said in between mouthfuls of potatoes. "We definitely should at least check it out."

Not long after, they were putting out the fire and going to sleep.


Rapunzel stared blankly around the small campsite she and her friends had set up. She couldn't sleep, her mind too full of ideas and scenarios of what Cassandra and Varian could be doing.

She undid her braid and grabbed a few locks of her hair, running it through her fingers, staring at it. She remembered the picture of Varian with his blue ombré hair and sighed.

Were Varian's powers really as dangerous as Quirin had described? Maybe, if they could convince Varian to come home, he could use his powers to help stop Cassandra on her quest for power? Rapunzel didn't know, but she did know staying awake late wouldn't do her any favours in the morning.

She laid down in her sleeping bag and tried her best to fall asleep, eventually falling into a troubled slumber.

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