Chapter Four

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Varian was having a weird dream. He couldn't explain it because he couldn't really see it very well but he knew there was a lot of blue. It surrounded him, held him, tugged him, dragged him down.



A light.

A stone.

A glow.

Varian woke up with a start. His eyes looked around wildly as he tried to take in his surroundings.

He was surprised, for one, that he wasn't inside of the cage hanging hundreds of feet from the ground. Where was he then? And what had happened to cause Cassandra to decide to move him?

He tried to recall any events from before he was unconscious. He... he'd been talking to Cassandra. He remembered a sword tip. Oh and a lot of blood.


Oh yeah, that's right, he'd been stabbed.

Just thinking about the sight of the crimson liquid before he'd passed out made him want to vomit and then pass out all over again.

Varian sat up and realised that he was in Cassandra's throne room. He was on what he could only guess was a bed made of black rocks with a chain of the same stuff around his ankle and connected to the floor.

She really thought I'd try and run huh?

"Awake then are you?"

Varian turned his head to see someone approaching him, but it wasn't Cassandra. It was a girl with blue, transparent skin. Her hair was the same and was pulled back into two neat buns. Around her head was a sort of crown and she had a beautiful dress.

"Yeah, um..." Varian tried to find what to say. "S-Sorry but who are you?"

"A friend. Or at least I'd like to be," Zhan Tiri told him.

"Ok but who are you? L-Like what's your name?"

"Oh er," Zhan Tiri was a little surprised by his persistence. Most dropped the subject once she'd given that answer. "My name is not of importance. What is is whether you're recovering well from your little near death experience," she said, recovering quickly.

Varian's hand moved to his chest. His fingers traced where he knew a giant slash wound had once been. He didn't understand why it wasn't there now. How had he healed in what could only have been a few hours?

"I'm... I'm fine," he told the ghost.

She nodded, seemingly satisfied with that response. She walked over to the bed and sat down next to the alchemist who eyed her warily.

"You don't have to look so nervous," Zhan Tiri said with a laugh. "I'm not going to hurt you or anything."

"I- that's not-" Varian, again, found himself tripping over his tongue. "I was just wondering why I haven't seen you before? I thought me and Cassandra were the only ones here," he admitted quietly, playing with his gloves.

Zhan Tiri was quiet for a moment.

"I've always been here," she eventually said. "You just never got the chance to see me until now."

"What does that mean?" Varian asked, raising an eyebrow.

Zhan Tiri smiled.

"You were going to die from that injury. I had to convince Cassandra to let me borrow the Moonstone so that I could use it to save your life." The ghost's voice was soft and distant.

Varian let that sink in. Magic. He'd been saved by magic. Not that he wasn't grateful because he really was. Just why magic?

"You see," Zhan Tiri continued. "The Moonstone can heal the injuries of those who take on its power for the first time. That's also why you can now see me. I'm connected to the Moonstone and you were temporarily."

Varian nodded slowly at the information he was receiving. He'd been connected to the Moonstone? He was honestly more impressed that Cassandra had given it up, even if it was for only a short while.

"However," the ghost continued again. "Let's forget the Moonstone for a minute. I want to know about you." She turned and smiled at the alchemist who just stared in return.

"M-Me?" he stammered.

Zhan Tiri nodded, her grin still in place.

"While the Moonstone and Sundrop are impressive, I can't help but sense something just as, if not potentially more impressive, within you."

She waited for a moment to see if she would get a reaction. She did. Varian's eyes were narrowed and he looked exceptionally confused.

"Tell me, Varian, have you ever wondered what it might be like to have magical abilities?"

Varian stared a moment longer before chuckling softly.

"Me? Magical abilities? No. That doesn't sound like a good mix," he said in between stifled giggles.

"You never know," the demon told him. "Maybe you prefer science, but you may find there's something more to you."

Varian controlled his laughter and looked Zhan Tiri in the eyes. He quickly realised that she was being serious.

Him? Varian? Magic powers? No. No that was the craziest thing he'd ever heard and by God had he heard some weird stuff. The girl was crazy if she thought she was sensing magic from him.

"He's awake then?"

Varian and Zhan Tiri looked up as Cassandra came into the room.

Cassandra had her arms folded as she walked and her entire body seemed stiff. She was avoiding Varian's eyes as she approached.

Not that the alchemist minded as he himself was backing away as much as his chain would allow.

"Cassandra," Varian said as he tried to keep any hostility out of his voice.

Cassandra didn't say anything in return. She was quiet and was looking literally anywhere but at the boy.

Zhan Tiri watched this interaction intently, wondering what might happen.

After a very awkward couple of moments, Cassandra finally spoke.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled.

Varian, though still not willing to relax his tensed body, looked at the warrior with some sympathy.

"It's... it's ok."

Cass sighed, knowing that it really wasn't and Varian was just too nice to admit it.

The night dragged on. Cassandra left to go to bed. Zhan Tiri went to somewhere. Varian tried his best to fall asleep.

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