Chapter Twenty-Seven

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They were helpless.

The squid had not relented in its attack; if anything it had only grown even more aggressive once the submarine had stopped working. Rapunzel, desperate, had quickly forced a window open and wrapped her hair around the submarine to try and protect them all. However, she hadn't managed to stop water from getting in, and now they all stood up to their waists in the cold as the squid pulled and pulled at the princess' hair, trying its damndest to get to the submarine and those trapped inside.

"This is it." Keira's voice was somehow both monotonous and panicked. "We're going to die."

"I hate to be a pessimist but I agree. There's no way out of this," Lance added. He kept tightening and then loosening his grip on his sword as if unsure if it was worth having it drawn or if he should sheath it.

"We should have checked the fuel tank," Eugene mumbled mostly to himself. A nervous smile tugged the corners of his mouth. "We should've checked it ages ago. Ages ago!"

"Try not to panic," Rapunzel told them through clenched teeth, biting back yelps of pain as her hair was ragged every which way. "We're so close to Atlantis. Maybe someone can see what's happening?"

Before anyone could reply, an earsplitting screech filled the air. The relentless attack on the submarine stopped and was replaced with silence.

"What's happening?" Catalina whispered as she uncovered her ears.

"No clue," Lance whispered back, the anxiety thick in his voice.

"You don't think that-"

Eugene stopped at the sound of shouting. The shouts became louder and louder until they were right outside the submarine, where they were then joined by the familiar bloodthirsty shrieks of the squid.

"Are we being saved?" Keira asked hopefully.

"Maybe!" Rapunzel couldn't stop the smile that touched her lips. Was this it? Were they saved?

Suddenly the submarine lurched forward and almost over, causing everyone to scream as they were knocked about.

"Hey!" came a voice from the outside. "Are you okay?"

"We're fine!" Keira shouted back. "We're trapped though!"

"Don't worry, we're taking you somewhere safe," came another voice.

The submarine lurched again as it was pushed - pushed away from the horrendous cries from the squid until it was almost quiet.

"What's happening out there?" Rapunzel called to those outside.

"Fighting," said the first voice. They then quietened and Rapunzel could hear them whisper-shouting to their companion something about where someone was. There was no reply, as far as the princess could hear, and it was quiet until whoever it was addressed her again. "What are you doing down here anyway? And how many are in there?"

"There's five of us. We're here to- woah!" Rpaunzel cut herself off as the sub almost tipped the entire way over. She could see the others had fallen, and found she was oddly grateful that her hair kept her standing and prevented her from taking in large mouthfuls of salt water like the others. "We're here to find a friend," she finished.

"Do you think they mean..." the first voice whispered.

"Who else could it be?"

The submarine lurched forward again.

"What'll Mari think?"

"Demanitus knows," the second voice laughed grimly.

"Who's Mari?" Catalina asked as she coughed up a mouthful of water.

"If all goes to plan you'll find out," the first voice said. "Just a bit further now."

For the next few minutes the only sound was the slowly fading cries of the squid the and the party's rescuers grunting with the effort of pushing the sub.

"Aaaaaand... okay, we're in the air bubble!" the first voice cheered.

The party sighed with relief. Rapunzel finally relaxed and let her hair drop from around the submarine.

"Woah! What-"

"What was that?"

"Um." Rapunzel laughed. She looked to the others. Was it okay to tell them? Lance, Eugene, and Catalina were nodding, while Keira gave a shrug. "That was my hair."

"Y... Your hair?!" came the stunned voices.

Rapunzel didn't answer further. She and the others worked on opening the hatch to the door and climbing out through the top of the submarine.

Stood at the base were two people dressed in armour with spears on their backs. One was a woman with brown skin and thick black hair. The other was an older looking woman with pale skin and blonde hair that was starting to turn grey.

"Hello," the younger woman said, shock still evident in her voice. "My name's Reef, and this is Skye." She gestured to the older woman who gave a small inclination of her head.

"Nice to meet you," Rapunzel said back as she started gathering up the blonde mass that trailed behind her. The relief in her voice was probably noticeable, but that was fine. They were safe! "I'm Rapunzel, princess of the kingdom of Corona."

Eugene, Lance, Keira and Catalina introduced themselves as well.

Reef bowed her head respectfully. "An interesting contraption you have there." She pointed to the submarine with her spear. "Never seen something like it before."

"Oh, how I wish we could take credit for it," Eugene sighed as he gazed at it, his body still tensed from the attack. "But a... a friend made it."

Rapunzel didn't miss his hesitance on the word 'friend' but decided not to bring it up for now. They were finally here. They had a quest to finish. She cleared her throat. "Reef, Skye, we are grateful for you saving us back there." With her hair now tied back up, the princess bowed to them. "We are here on a quest of the utmost importance. Our kingdom is in danger if we don't retrieve someone your city may have."

Skye scoffed. "Oh, here we go," she grumbled. "Every time! No one ever willingly comes here unless they need something!" She glared at the group, grey eyes piercing.

"We're sorry," Catalina offered timidly as she stepped forward, "but it's honestly a matter of life or death. Please understand."

Keira came to her side, fixing Skye with a matching glare. "We don't have a choice but to be here," she all but growled. "If we did then we wouldn't be having this conversation."

"Okay, let's calm down," Lance told the girls quietly as he pulled them back a little. "We're not the diplomats; let's let Rapunzel handle this."

Reluctantly, they let themselves be pulled back.

Reef regarded them all for a long moment, brown eyes curious. She was probably considering what they could want. Eventually, she nodded. "You are welcome to come in and wait for Mari to come back," she told them slowly.

"You mentioned a Mari earlier," Eugene piped up, arms crossed and head tilted in question. "Who is she?"

"Someone better fit to deal with you," Skye muttered. She jerked her head towards the gates. "Come on then."

And so they followed.

We're here, Rapunzel thought. Bubbles of excitement filled her chest. We're finally here!

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