Chapter Twenty-One

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Rapunzel and co stood outside of Quirin's cottage. Eugene stepped forward and gave the door a quick rap with his knuckle.

A few moments passed before the retired warrior opened the door and smiled at the sight of them all.

"Good, you came. Come with me," he said as he stepped out, shut the door and started walking away at a brisk pace.

The party, a little surprised, hurried to keep up with him.

"Where's the fire, Quirin? Slow down a little," Lance said, bemused.

"Oh, there's no fire," Quirin muttered. "But there could end up being tsunamis if we don't get to Varian before he claims his item."

He led the group to the castle, to Varian's workshop that had once been the home of Demanitus' weather machine. The room looked how it had before Cassandra had kidnapped the young alchemist: messy desk, chemicals and paper and quills everywhere, a patch on the wall where Varian had destroyed his translation key and what looked like a giant sheet covering something. Quirin approached the sheet now.

"What is this?" Lance asked, tilting his head a little, curious.

"This was something Varian had been working before he was... taken." Quirin mumbled the last word as his eyes fell. He quickly pulled himself together. "I think it should be able to get you to Atlantis."

They all eyed the sheet for a minute, pondering what it could be covering, before Quirin found the edge and pulled it.

Under the sheet was what appeared to be an ovular, metal tank with little glass windows along both sides. There was a trapdoor on top as well as a periscope. On the back was a propeller.

"Ok?" Eugene said as he gazed at the thing, confused.

"And this helps us how?" Keira asked as she folded her arms.

"Varian made this to help him observe sea life," Quirin explained. "I think he called it a... submarine? Anyway, it's under water transportation."

Rapunzel squealed enthusiastically and pulled Eugene into a deathly tight hug.

Eugene also smiled as he tried to breathe.

Lance and Keira looked impressed.

Catalina looked worried.

"And you're certain it's safe?" she asked.

Quirin nodded and smiled reassuringly at her.

"Varian did do a test run. He came back well enough and claimed it had worked perfectly and that all it needed now was some decorating." He turned to Rapunzel. "He'd planned on asking you for some help with that."

The princess felt her heartstrings being tugged. She smiled sadly at the retired warrior as she let go of Eugene.

"Well, soon we'll have him back and we'll decorating it together," she told him. She then looked at her group. "Let's go then."


Varian stared at the sight before him.

Not too far away stood a massive city surrounded by tall, white walls, covered in a giant air bubble. In the centre of it all was what looked like a small castle. Fish could be seen- no, they weren't fish. As they approached, Varian could make out that they were partly human. Merfolk! Swimming around outside of the city walls.

They drew closer and the alchemist could now see the gate embedded in the wall. There were two mermen stood on either side of it, both holding a spear and staring blankly at the approaching foreigners.

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