Chapter Thirty-Two

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Varian jumped down the ladder and into a long corridor. He didn't bother stopping to look at it properly, just marched through, his conversation with Rapunzel replaying in his mind.

Let the princess think that way; I'm gonna prove her wrong. I'm gonna get the stone, she's gonna see the magic is safe and I'm not mind controlled, and we're all gonna go back to Corona. I'm gonna see my dad and he's going to see my magic and- Demanitus that's still weird to think. But it's all gonna be fine.

Was it dumb to think everything would be fine? Potentially, since Varian didn't know how dedicated Rapunzel and her friends were to the whole 'mind control' theory or any idea what was happening above him back in the city. Who knows? Maybe Cassandra had killed all the others by now (okay that's dark back up-). But Varian needed something to keep his thoughts and emotions in check and the idea of going back home to his dad definitely did the trick.

That was probably what he was looking forward to most, seeing his dad. Sure, exploring caves and the ocean with Cassandra and Eclipse was fun, and this magic stuff was interesting, but walking through this cave alone... home was starting to seem so far. It wasn't a twenty minute walk from his forest clearing, and there wasn't the comforting knowledge that they knew where each other were when he was in his workshop in the castle. No, down here, it was just him, a cave, and, hopefully, a magic rock.

As if in response to that thought, something sparkling came into view.


"Did you plan this?" Cassandra yelled as she pinned Eugene to the tower wall, sword to his neck.

"No!" he yelled back, trying to shrink away from the blade. "Why would we plan this?"

"Gee, I don't know," Cass said sarcastically. She could feel her hands shaking with anger. "Maybe because you guys have been trying to hinder us every step of this journey?"

"Could you blame us if we had?" Lance asked from where he was trying to pull away from two merfolk - Reef and Skye Cass noticed - who were attempting to restrain him. "You mind control a kid and-"

With a scream of rage, Cassandra summoned black rocks. They covered Lance's entire body up to his neck before then covering his mouth. Finally silent for once.

"Cassandra, please, we really didn't plan this!" Catalina had tears brimming her eyes as she pressed herself against the rock encasing Lance.

"Really! Rapunzel's just... She must think she's doing something right!" Keira added as she started pulling her sister away and started scanning for, assumably, a better hiding spot.

"Why should we believe you?" Mari asked. Cassandra had never heard the mermaid angry before, but now her voice wavered with unchecked emotion. Her hands were balled into fists and the stripes in her hair were glowing. "None of you ever helped him before! Why should we believe a word you have to say?"

Cassandra missed the rest of her fury as Eclipse came over to her. The ghost looked ready to kill someone. Ironic.

"I'm going down there," she whispered, piercing gaze turning to the building. "I want to give that princess a piece of my mind."

"Me too," Cass told her, "but we can't. Varian has to go alone." She laughed bitterly. "Maybe if we're lucky he buried Rapunzel alive before she could get too far."

"That's dark," Eugene piped up from his still restrained position. "Who are you talking to anyway?"

"Shut it, Fizherbert!" Cassandra snapped at him, pressing the sword closer to his throat. "Or should I-"

She stopped when movement caught her eye.

"What is this?" asked a familiar voice.

Cassandra turned to see Soren and Hooke had come. With at least ten other guards.

The glow in Mari's hair died at the sight. With as steady a voice she could muster, she ordered, "These people are threats to Atlantis. Please take them to the castle dungeons."

"WHAT?" was the shout from all of Rapunzel's party.

But they couldn't get another word out before the guards came forward. With all the strength and the grace of the trained warriors they were, they swiftly restrained all four humans.

Cassandra watched as they were dragged away, crying out in protest and trying (and failing) to break free.

She looked up to Eclipse.

Eclipse looked down to her. "That's that, then."

"Yes," Mari said as she came over to them. Her eyes still sparkled dangerously. "That's that."

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