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Amaryllis woke up in a bed, Rowan probably had put her in one of the guest rooms after she fell asleep. She sat up still in her clothes and walked downstairs towards the kitchen. But before she can reach the kitchen she paused and heared someone yell. It was Aelin the same girl from last night she could hear that. As soon as Aelin stopped yelling Amaryllis walked into the kitchen ignoring Aelin's harsh words. She greets the kitchen staff quietly seeing tears in Emrys's eyes. She had met a few times before, she always ate in the kitchen not being interested in the stares and gossip of the people who eat in the dining hall at Mistward. She preferred the kitchen who was lively, at least most of the time and she didn't mind listening to the staff chatting away. She put some food on the plate and sat at one of the two tables in the kitchen, not the one where Aelin was seeded ignoring her stares.

Amaryllis almost finished eating the delicious food when Rowan walked into the kitchen, grabbed a plate and sat across from Amaryllis. He ignored Aelin who was still working on some potatoes. Amaryllis looked at her brother he acted different, she was worried. But she didn't want to push anything, if he needed to talk to someone he would come towards her eventually. "Gavriel already left last night he told me you can go home when you're awake," He told her. Amaryllis nodded. So she told him about what happened back in Doranelle in his absence. He let out a laugh when she told him the story about the latest prank she and Fenrys pulled on Lorcan, he was furious but it was worth it. Aelin looked confused at the two siblings probably not used seeing Rowan like this. When Rowan let out another laugh Aelin stood up and stormed out of the kitchen. When Amaryllis was finished she stood up and ruffled her brothers long hair "I am going to get my stuff and then I will leave," she told her brother. After that she walked out of the kitchen murmuring a thank you to Emrys.

Amaryllis quickly got her stuff that she left in the room before breakfast and went back downstairs. She met her brother who was just leaving the kitchen and looked from him towards Emrys they just finished their conversation. "I am ready to go" she said and Rowan followed her outside.

"Take care" She told her brother and he hugged her. "And don't be too harsh on her or on yourself," she added before shifting into her animal form. Rowan replied with a nod. "don't do anything stupid," he said to her. It was something he almost always told her before leaving. The white tiger rolled her big green eyes before sprinting away towards Doranelle. It was late when Amaryllis arrived at Doranelle and she went straight to bed.

Amaryllis woke up from a knock on her door. Before she could say anything Fenrys walked into the room. "Good morning sunshine," he said with a grin and opened the curtains. Amaryllis grunted and put a pillow on her face. "So what gossip have you heard?" Fenrys chirped before jumping on her bed sitting next to her. This was kind of a routine almost always when she got back he would come towards her and she would tell him everything what happened. It was something he enjoyed as he wasn't allowed to leave the castle much. He would tell her what she had missed in Doranelle, but most of the times that wasn't much. "We went to Mistward" Amaryllis said still with her head in the pillow. "Yes I heard Gavriel arrived this morning" Fenrys replied. "I heard what happened at Gealbay," He added referring to the disaster where they lost some people. Amaryllis grunted in her pillow not wanting the recall that event. "You need to be happy that you weren't allowed to train Aelin," she told Fenrys who raised an eyebrow at that. although she understood that Fenrys just wanted to leave this hellhole for once "Rowan lashed out at her last night and when I woke up she was screaming at the kitchen staff. She didn't look like she was feeling well," She told him. She also told him that she was worried about Rowan, he was acting different.

"So what happened here? anything interesting?" She asked him. "Nothing interesting I only heard that some nobles are going to stay here next week." A big sigh escaped Amaryllis lips. She hated the nobles especially Remelle. "When can I go again?" She said really wanting to leave before they arrive. "No, no, you're not going away soon. You're not leaving me here alone with the nobles. Besides that I have a plan" Fenrys said with a grin. "Tell me" Amaryllis said with her scheming face. As soon as Fenrys opened his mouth to tell her Lorcan entered the room. "Maeve wants to see you," he said looking bored. "Good to see you too Lorcan" Amaryllis chirped as she stood up walking towards her closet. "I will be there in a minute," she said towards Lorcan. "and I will meet you later to talk about this matter." She said towards Fenrys with a grin. Lorcan looked from Fenrys to Amaryllis and shook his head before walking away. Fenrys followed him outside the room.

Maeve wanted her to report what happened. And with what happened she didn't mean Gealbay, she didn't seem to care mutch about that. She seemed verry interested in Rowan and Aelin. So Amaryllis told her what she had seen, but nothing about her concern. Maeve didn't seem very satisfied but she was allowed to go. So she went to look for Fenrys wanting to hear his plans.




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