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Amaryllis sat down in the dining hall with Gavriel as the sun was rising and groaned. "Never got used to this breakfast" she said restless tapping her foot up and down. Gavriel looked up at her and tilted his head as to crack the puzzle. After a while he broke the silence "He still hasn't talked to you?" Amaryllis nodded. Ever since they came back from Mistward Fenrys had ignored and avoided her. At first she hadn't bothered assuming it would go away in some time but now she got more worried every single day. "Do you think I have done something wrong?" She asked Gavriel not being able to hide how much this actually affected her. But before Gavriel could reply she heard a grumble behind her "This is probably one of his games," Lorcan said approaching them. Great now also Lorcan knew she was worried about him. "Maeve asked for you, she is in her chambers," Lorcan told her before sitting down next to Gavriel. Amaryllis raised an eyebrow at that and looked over at Gavriel who looked worried. Maeve barely ever asked for Amaryllis most of her assignments she got from Lorcan. Amaryllis slowly stood up groaning of the ache of her back. When they got back both her and Lorcan got punished for answering Rowans calls and by the look Lorcan gave her he wasn't fully recovered either. She had assumed that Fenrys would come to her room when she laid in bed after she got whipped but he stayed away.

Amaryllis let out a small breath before she knocked on the door. "Enter" Maeve's voice called. Amaryllis walked in looking at Maeve dressed in her robes, she bowed her head a bit, when she looked up Amaryllis froze. In Maeves big beautiful bed laid Fenrys a silk blanket covering his naked body, he looked as shocked as her. Amaryllis looked back at Maeve and clenched her jaw. Maeve had a big smirk on her face. "After the event of last week I haven't had the opportunity to hear your report yet." Maeve's strident voice said referring to the fact that she got whipped "But I see that you have healed greatly" Meave continued not letting go of that awful smirk. Amaryllis looked over at Fenrys but when their eyes met he quickly looked away. "So.." Maeve said waving with her hand. Amaryllis swallowed the lump in her throat. "We got a letter from Rowan.." But Meave interrupted her "Yes, yes I know. I want to know what you saw between Aelin and Rowan." Amaryllis furrowed her brows. "They don't scream at each other as they did the last time I saw them." Amaryllis said choosing her words carefully. "Yes? carry on" Maeve said. "They seem to care for each other, I think they have become friend" Amaryllis said. "Friends?" Maeve said. "Well that's enough for now, you can go." Maeve said making a gesture with her hand. Amaryllis quickly stormed towards the door wanting to leave the room as soon as possible. "Oh you and Lorcan have some business to do and leave tomorrow Fenrys will give you the report when he is finished." Maeve said grinning even wider. Amaryllis nodded quickly not looking back and stormed out of the room.

Amaryllis stormed in the training room Lorcan already waiting for her. Without saying anything Amaryllis picked up a sword and started sparring with Lorcan. Amaryllis's anger made her fighting uncontrolled and sloppy however Lorcan didn't say a word knowing that this wasn't the right time. After an hour of sparring Lorcan stopped "This is enough". Amaryllis groaned still feeling too much anger. "What happened?" Lorcan asked. "You almost sound like you care." Amaryllis spat at him before walking away trying to suppress her upcoming power.

Amaryllis raged through the hallways on her way towards her room. As soon as she entered her room she slammed the door shut and undressed herself. She went towards her bathroom and filled the bathtub and entered the warmth. The bath calmed her a little bit but she still felt anger boiling inside her. After a while staring at a wall and washing herself she got out of the bathtub and dressed herself.

When Amaryllis entered her room she froze, on her bed sat Fenrys. She stood still for a while staring at him not knowing what to do. Fenrys looked up at her "Your assignment is on your desk" he said. Slowly Amaryllis walked into the room towards her desk and looked at the envelope laying there Fenrys following her with his eyes. "Are you okay?" Fenrys asked. Amaryllis furrowed her brows and turned towards him. "I'm fine," she says a bid coldly and sat down on a chair flinging when her back hit the surface too harsh. Fenrys gave her a look saying: 'clearly not'. Amaryllis didn't know what to do, one part of her wanted to scream at him and kick him out of her room and the other part wanted to hug him, wanted her best friend back. "Look I'm sorry," Fenrys started. "Sorry for what? ignoring me for the past weeks or me seeing you in her bed?" Amaryllis said harshly. Fenrys looked towards the ground "Its more complicated as it seems" Fenrys told her. "Then explain me," Amaryllis said a bit calmer this time seeing how pale Fenrys is. Amaryllis stood up and walked towards him "I know what she demands of you, its not fair." Amaryllis said as she sat next to him grabbing his hand. "But seeing you there.." Amaryllis shook her head her still wet hair sticking to her face. "I know something is up, you are acting different, why are you avoiding me?" Amaryllis asked him. Fenrys looked up "nothing, everything is fine" he told her with a small smile. But Amaryllis narrowed her eyes, she could see something was wrong, he just didn't want to share. Amaryllis let go of his hand "You don't want to tell me?" she asked him, but before he could reply she continued: "So what? you're just going to ignore me for the rest of our lives? Fuck Maeve we will find a way to get rid of her, we will find a way to get our freedom." Fenrys looked panickly around the room and then towards Amaryllis "Please don't say such things aloud" Amaryllis brows furrowed "What?" she asked harshly "What is wrong with you? what happened? something has changed" But all Amaryllis questions stayed unanswered "Yes everything has changed" Fenrys said before storming out of her room. Amaryllis screamed in anger and walked towards her desk she grabbed the envelope and ripped it open.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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