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Amaryllis was going over some paperwork she got from Gavriel when the letter from her brother arrived. He asked for help, he wanted all of them to help. Mistward was going to be attacked. Amaryllis stormed out of her room and found Lorcan who to her surprise immediately came into action. After gathering the others everyone got their stuff and even though it was late in the evening they departed right away shifting into their animals forms.

They were running for the past hours only having had one break to eat something. Mistward came into view. Amaryllis saw Aelin outside the barrier trying to keep those creatures away with her fire, but she wasn't looking good. Aelin made a bridge of flames to help them towards Mistward and everyone kept running. Everyone ran past Aelin except Gavriel and Amaryllis who stopped to check on Aelin. Aelin spat blood onto the grass when she said: "He is inside, help him." Both Gavriel and Amaryllis hesitated. "Go!" Aelin screamed. Amaryllis followed Gavriel who was heading towards her brother. Amaryllis stopped with running, but Gavriel kept running not knowing she had stopped. "Shit," Amaryllis muttered when she ran back towards Aelin. She couldn't let her die, she had seen how Rowan looked at Aelin the last time she was here. He couldn't lose someone else and Amaryllis couldn't lose her brother. So she ran as fast as she could towards the flames that were slowly dying, getting engulfed into darkness.

Inside the fortress the battle raged on. Rowan cut of someone's head when the cadre came in all participating into the battle doing the thing they were trained to do. Gavriel came in a little later. "Where is she?" Rowan asked him referring to Aelin. But before Gavriel could reply Fenrys asked him: "Where is Amar?" Gavriel looked behind him, but no sight of Amaryllis. When he looked back Fenrys was already running towards the exit. Rowan looked at Gavriel and also ran following Fenrys.

Amaryllis was going to exit trough the barrier when she was tackled to the ground. She quickly tried to grab her sword but then she realized who had tackled her, Fenrys. Fenrys held Amaryllis to the ground "Are you insane?" He asked with anger on his face. Amaryllis tried to push Fenrys off of her when her brother came into her view who got pushed to the ground by Gavriel. "You don't understand," She roared at Fenrys. "He will go insane". Then she heard the scream of her brother. Amaryllis looked at Aelin who got pulled into the darkness and she pushed and pulled and screamed towards Fenrys to let her go but nothing worked. "Please" she cried out, she couldn't bare to look at either Aelin or her brother. "I am not going to let you die, you don't think anyone would go insane over that" Fenrys breathed into her ear. "I can decide that for myself!" she screamed at him but he still wouldn't let her go.

Minutes passed or maybe not Amaryllis wasn't sure Fenrys held her towards the ground but Amaryllis didn't try to push him away anymore she just looked at the sky shutting out the roars and groans of Gavriel, Lorcan and her brother who were screaming at each other. "Oh shit" Fenrys muttered and that is when Amaryllis saw a gold light trough the darkness. "That is impossible," Gavriel said. Flames came trough the darkness and Rowan came into action running towards the flames, but he didn't get hurt. Then the flames died out and there stood Aelin with a weird sign on her forehead. Two creatures were approaching her but she just grabbed their face and flames came out of their eyes and mouths. The two creatures shriddled to ash. Aelin turned around towards Rowan and smiled. Only then the two other creatures approached them. Aelin's face turned white, she was almost burned out. Rowan didn't hesitate when he drew his dagger, cut into his hand and gave the dagger to Aelin who did the same. Together they destroyed the last creatures of darkness.

Amaryllis was still pinned to the ground by the weight of Fenrys when all the darkness disappeared, getting engulfed into flames. "Carranam." She heard Fenrys mutter when she pushed him away this times successfully. Amaryllis ran towards her brother helping him with Aelin who fell unconscious.

The next two days the cadre helped with reparations. It wasn't the most fun work to do but at least Amar had something to do besides thinking about the fact that Fenrys was avoiding her, not that she wanted to talk to him right now. Also she didn't want to think about what was going to happen when they arrived back home, what Meave was going to do when they came back. And then there was the fact that Rowan was getting really protective over Aelin who was sleeping the past days. Amaryllis really wants her brother to be happy but Maeve is going to destroy everything if she found out. This was not something Rowan needed right now. 

Amaryllis walked into the kitchen and saw Fenrys already eating breakfast. She grabbed some food, sat across from him and greeted him. Fenrys muttered something that was meant as greeting and focused on his food again. Amaryllis let out a big sigh, they were going home today. Lorcan already left early this morning but she wanted to stretch the departure as long as she could.  Fenrys finished his food in a matter of seconds and quickly stood up. Before he could walk away Amaryllis said: "Wait." and Fenrys turned towards her. "Is there something?" she asked him not really knowing what to say. Fenrys studied her face for a second and smiled, "No" he replied. Before Amaryllis could say anything else he ruffled her hair and walked away. Amaryllis finished her breakfast and walked outside seeing if she could help someone with some of the reparations still going.

Amaryllis was waiting outside with Gavriel. Fenrys and Connall left an hour ago without saying anything to her and it was time for her and Gavriel to leave too. She saw Rowan walking towards them together with Aelin who apparently woke up from her big slumber. Gavriel told Rowan that everyone else had already left and Rowan only replied with: "What do you want?" "Be careful Rowan when you arrive back home, we already have reported everything then." Gavriel told him. Rowan only nodded to that not revealing any sort of emotions on his face. "He is right Roro just be careful, Maeve isn't going to be happy." Amaryllis told him looking between Rowan and Aelin. Rowans expression softened a bit knowing that when Amaryllis and Gavriel arrived back in Doranelle Maeve wasn't going to be in a good mood either, but he still didn't say anything. "Thank you" Aelin told them both. Amaryllis shifted uncomfortably with her body not expecting Aelin to say anything. "For the warning and for the hesitation." Amaryllis just nodded with a small smile. "How old are you?" Gavriel asked her. Aelin said she was nineteen and Gavriel seemed relieved. Amaryllis raised an eyebrow at that. Then it was time to go. "Don't do anything stupid" Rowan whispered into Amaryllis's ear when she gave him a hug. "Likewise" She replied and nodded to Aelin. Amaryllis gave Aelin a smile "I guess I will see you in Doranelle next time, but remember what I told you before" She told her. Rowan eyed her suspiciously  and Gavriel raised an eyebrow at that. Gavriel quickly wished them good luck before they left.



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