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3rd pov

Ananta awoke on the second day. To say she was shocked to see how the goblins had changed was an understatement.

When she opened her eyes to find she was covered by a makeshift tent she wasn't too worried. But when the tall buff goblins entered the tent screaming at the top of their lungs she did the first thing that came to mind. Run, run like hell. In her panic she spread her wings taking to the sky destroying the tent around her.

She flew strait untill she had calmed down enough to register the screams that came from below her. Curving her neck she looked underneath herself to see a goblin holding on for dear life to her leg.

Woops. Ananta though gently descending back to the ground. It took her a bit to coax the frightened golbin off her leg and convince her she was ok.

Who are you? Ananta asked once the goblin had calmed down a bit. She was the same size as the goblins from the village but she didn't recognize her.

It's me, Rose, Great Ananta.

What!! Ananta exclaimed. But Rose was a goblin child I named. Your much to big to be her.

Rose seemed confused as to why Ananta didn't realize what happened. We evolved Great Ananta. You named us, do you not remember?

Ananta tilted her head in confusion? She listened closely as Rose explained how monsters evolved when named. So that's why I passed out. Ananta realized. I used up my energy naming the Goblins. Then that must mean Rimuru was most likely still asleep as well.

Ananta decided to walk the goblin child back to the village on her back instead of flying. She felt bad and didn't want to scare the poor girl again. She layed down allowing the child onto her back but stopped when she turned to head back.

Ananta looked back to the direction she had been heading. Where had she been heading? And why did turning back give her this wired feeling.

What is wrong great Ananta? The child asked.

Ananta shook out of her daze with a small shake of her head. Nothing, let's head back.

It was late when they finally returned to the village. Now knowing what had happened Ananta greeted the goblins happily relearning who each one was. But something still felt off and she often caught herself looking back through the forest where she had been heading.

The next day Rimuru awoke and Ananta laughed as he freaked out over the goblins much like she had. She probably could have warned him. But where was the fun in that?

After Rimuru woke up the two discovered pretty quickly that the goblins sucked bad at making things. Like loke and dying bad. The house they had made toppled over at the slightest wind.

Ananta looked at the fallen disaster beside Rumuru. Looks like we're going to need some help.

When he didn't answer she looked down to see he was focoused on a female goblins...ya. A tick mark appeared on Anantas forehead as she flung her tail around and sent him flying.

MASTER!! Ranga yelled running after Rimuru while the goblins looked at you in worry.

Then in true anime fashion Rimuru returned and evyone moved on with their lives. Rigurd told the two of them about the dwarve kingdom. Rimur got stars in his eyes at the prospect of actual dwarves. The legendary craftsmen who's skills rivaled all others.

It's decided then, Rimuru anounced. Im going! The goblins got to work getting ready for the journey and packing supplies. I can't wait to meet an actual dwarf! Rumuru told Ananta exidedly.

Uhuh. Was the only response he got from the female dragon.

What's up? Rimuru looked up to see his friend looking away into the distance. You've been staring off into space all day.

Ananta seemed to snap out of it for a second. Sorry.

Rimuru have her his best slime smile optimist as always. Don't worry about it. Are you exited to meet the dwarves?

Actually, I don't think I'll be able to come with you.

WHAT! why not?

Do you remember how I found you in the caves?

Kinda, Rimuru replied thinking. You said it was like something was pulling out towards me, right.

Ananta nodded. Ya, and since yesterday I've been getting the same feeling. I think I need to follow it.

Are you sure?

I am. Ananta tilted her head at her friend playfully. Plus a 400 pound dragon isn't exactly the best way to say I come in peace.

Rimuru laughed. I guess your right there. Alrighty, I trust you. If you say you need to go then you should go. Just promis you'll be back.

Ananta nuzzled her face onto the slime thankful he trusted her judgement. Not that he could have stopped her, but she was glad none the less to have his support.

The next day Ananta said her goodbyes and took to the skies going once in a large circle before letting her body take over and lead her wherever it wanted to go.

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