Chapter 21: Love to Hate Me

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By the way, before reading this chapter, you might want to go back. I kind of rewrote a lot of it, so you might be confused. I realized how much foreshadowing I've been missing, so hopefully you will be caught up to speed. Every time there's a new thing, there should be an 'n' in parentheses. 

Disclaimer: I don't own Pjo, and I feel like I've done this a million times. So, yeah. 

Piper's POV:

Piper couldn't think, couldn't move. She couldn't do anything. Her dad was gone. Gone! 

He'd been kidnapped, presumably by the same people that had kidnapped Athena and Hera. Which meant that it was likely her fault. 

"Piper." Piper recognized the voice, but couldn't register it. Flashes of memory disrupted her mind. 

"You again!"

"We have to be careful, Pipes."

A brewing storm. 

Piper shook them away. What did those flashbacks matter anyway?

Piper stood up, blinking away tears. "J-jason. Um, can you tell them I might not go with you to Aeolus, today? I think I n-need to, just, um, take care of Jane."

They both knew who really needed to be taken care of. 

His blue eyes were understanding. "Of course."

"I will always love you, no matter what."

What was that?

He patted her on the back and left the apartment, the crunches of glass beneath his feet the only  indicator of his footsteps. The second he was gone, Jane sprang up. 

"Piper, I wasn't supposed to show this to anyone but you. They left this note," Jane said, slapping down a crinkled piece of paper. 

Dear Future Mrs Mclean and Piper-

"Wait, how did they know about your engagement?" Piper said. 

Jane looked scared. "Has someone been spying on us? We haven't even released it to the public yet, and we barely started making the guest list."

They returned to the note. 

If you want Tristan Mclean back safe and alive, you must do the following:

- Do not go to the police. They won't be able to help you anyway.

- Do not keep investigating. And stop your friends from doing so too, Piper. Other people will get hurt. 

They needed to keep investigating, though. They had to be able to fool them somehow.

- Stay in a 50 mile radius of your apartment. You may go to school, but not Olympus. And no physical contact with any of your Olympian friends. 

Piper grimaced. How would they do that?

If you comply with these demands, Tristan Mclean will be given back to you by Thanksgiving. If not, John Miller will be taken. 

Jane gasped at the name. 

"Who's that?" Piper said. 

"That's my brother," Jane said. 

So they really had to comply. 

All the best,


"Okay, well, what should we do?" Jane said. 

Piper sighed. "Well, I think we should go to sleep for now."

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