Chapter 34: Blaze

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Disclaimer: PJO universe doesn't belong to me, plot does. Wow! I got thru it all! I actually really like this chapter... so yeah!

Calypso's POV: 

"State your name, please." 

"Do I have to? You already know it." From several different things. 

"For the witness recordings, yes, you need to state it." Right, she was on camera. She better be good at acting. 

"Fine. Calypso Ogygia." She hated that he got that small victory, even if it was as simple as getting her to say her own name. 

"Now, can you describe what you were doing when the infiltrator started speaking?"

"I was in Homeroom. We all were. I was sitting down as usual, and we were waiting for the teacher to come in. She were late. We all noticed and were waiting around when we heard it."

"What did she say?"

"All sorts of threatening stuff, though it didn't really make sense. We could barely make out the shouting in a different classroom, which I think is what prompted those responses." That's what she thought at least. 

"Smart girl. Anything else?" Her skin crawled. 

"Yeah, we heard Annabeth and Percy and Leo at some point in there." Her heart twinged with what could have been. 

"That matches up with their story. After that?"

"Well, there was some sort of grey gas, so we ran out of the classroom and ended up in a closet." That wasn't the complete truth, but he didn't need to know that. 

"What did the gas smell like?"

"Kind of smoky." Calypso hated the smell of smoke. It made her think back to those days. 

"How long were you running?"

"Um, a couple minutes maybe?" It had felt like a lifetime, but it definitely wasn't.

"And which closet did you hide in?" 

"Um, not sure. The one in the hallway, somewhere?" That wasn't true, but who cared. 

"Um, okay. Did you encounter anybody when you ran?"

"Nope. Nobody at all." She kept her face calm and void of any emotion. 

"Was anyone in the closet with you?"



"Khione, Reyna, and Rachel." It was a lie, but not one that would incriminate her.

"Anything else you remember?"

"No." She wanted to get out of here. 

"Alright, then, that's it."

Calypso got out of there as fast as she could, chills racking her body. On her way out, she couldn't help but over hear from another witness, through the coarse gap between the wooden door and the glass. 

"So, Nico, who were you with in the closet?"

"Drew, Piper, and Jason."

"What happened in the closet?"

"Ew, nothing. Piper and Drew argued a lot, Jason tried to stop them, I watched and enjoyed."

But she couldn't hear no more, for her father was giving her a hard look, and she was moving away. 

Cold air and the slight sting of snow greeted her bare shoulders as she stepped outside. That, and her friends. 

"Hey," she said, walking over. 

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