Chapter 37: I Don't Want Detention, Thanks

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Disclaimer: Um... well I'm not in the mood right now bc of stupid mood swings and such.... but yep. 

Leo's POV:

Leo felt weird. He knew he wasn't over Khione, he knew he hadn't completely stopped feeling that tingle whenever their hands touched... but at the same time, he could now recognize that Khione had kind of been playing him, and he felt stupid for not noticing that before. 

"You guys need to stand closer," the photographer said.

Leo and Khione both exchanged a quick glance, and scooted the tiniest bit of an inch closer. 

The photographer rolled her eyes, tucking a strand of green hair behind her ear. "Come on. You guys have to at least look like a couple for the photos."

Leo really didn't want to get closer to Khione.... but, Frank needed it for his newspaper... so he decided to be a good person and scoot close enough. 

"There you go! Now, smile! Say cheese!" 

Who would say 'cheese' anymore? What were they, kindergarteners? 

Never the less, they somehow got through the rest of the photoshoot, and Kayla(one of Apollo's kid and their photographer) looked pleased with the high-resolution shots. "Perfect."

"No, I won't!"

Drew looked furious as she stalked back and forth in front of Jason, spreading her hands wide as she said, "Why not? You know that your friend needs the publicity only a stellar couple like us could bring."

His friend tore through his blond hair, making it the messy roguish look that reminded Leo of wheat fields.... which was a strange analogy. 

Jason looked up at Drew. "No. You asked me, and I said no. End of story."


"Please, let's just stop fighting." Jason's voice was strained and Leo figured that he had to intervene. 

"Yeah," he said. "Don't fight in front of us kids!"

He stuck out his tongue and made the best pose in the history of all poses. 

Jason looked baffled then grateful, as Leo put an arm around his painfully broad shoulders (Leo's arms were too short for it) and steered him away. Drew however, glared daggers at him, in a painfully searing way. Khione did the same. 

"Thanks!" Jason said, once they were out of earshot. 

"Yeah," Leo said, brushing it off. He'd never really learned how to take compliments. 

"What was all that yelling?" Piper said, coming up to them, her boyfriend Dylan a few steps behind. 

Jason shrugged, his eyes not once leaving Piper's face. Leo stepped in again, figuring that maybe having a love-stare-fest was not the best if Piper's boyfriend was there. 

"Drew trying to get Jason to be her boyfriend for the photoshoot basically," Leo said. "Oh, and, um, they're ready for you."

Piper flashed a tight smile and tugged Dylan into the classroom. Leo got ready to head to class (considering that they were probably late already and he didn't need another detention), expecting Jason to follow, but Jason's eyes were still fixed on the couple. 

"Dude, come on,"  Leo said. Like, whatever, Jason was in love, but seriously, class. And it was so weird that he had to be the one to remind him, honestly. 

"Oh, um, yeah," Jason said, tearing his eyes away from the door. 

"We have class, you know. I have stupid Greek, you?" Leo said, bouncing a ball off the corridor walls to let out some energy before class. Mrs.... whatever her name enjoyed giving out detentions way too much, and Leo had ADHD, so it was even more easy for him to get detention.  

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