Chapter 6: All Olympians Cheat

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Disclaimer: I really wish I owned the PJOness, but I don't. Rick Riordan does. Only thing I own is the plot. 

Jason's POV:

Jason's day off was going well until he got blood on the carpet. Specifically, Persephone's silk carpet. Even more specifically, Persephone's white silk carpet that cost a couple thousand dollars. So maybe it wasn't the best idea to bring a bleeding girl over there, but he wasn't really sure what else to do.

Before that, he'd had a decently good day. Percy and Leo had taken him to lunch, where they'd introduced him to Grover, the other guy in their friend group, and gave him a crash course of his life. The only thing they hadn't been able to tell him was about the year he was lost.

But other than that, he'd been having a pretty good time. Grover was pretty funny, if not a little bit crazy about enchiladas and the environment. The crash course of his life was actually pretty informative, so he wouldn't be a complete idiot anyway.

It was only when he met Nico that it got complicated. His first impression of Nico was pretty quick. Percy had knocked on his room, and Nico had opened it, then shut it with a slam.

Percy pounded harder. "I know you're in there!"

Grover and Leo were gone by now, saying that it was maybe the best if it was only Percy and Jason. Jason could see why now.

"Go away!" Nico shouted.

Percy rolled his eyes. "I brought Jason. And he lost his memory, so maybe you could cut him some slack for stealing your fries last week?"

Nico opened the door, and Jason got his first real glimpse of Nico. His appearance was full of contradictions. His skin was deathly pale, but his hair was dark as night. He looked young physically, but his eyes glittered with a bleakness, as if he'd seen a thousand years pass him by.

"Why would I ever forgive him for that?" Nico snapped. "Memory loss or not, he still stole them."

Jason nervously fidgeted. "Well, I'm sorry I stole your fries, Nico."

Nico's expression softened just a tiny bit. "Fine. I forgive you."

Percy took that as an invitation, and tugged Jason in Nico's room.

"Wow," Percy exclaimed, looking around Nico's room. "When's the last time you cleaned?"

Nico's cheeks filled with hints of pink. "Shut up."

Nico's room was really big, though to be honest, it was about the size of Jason's room, so about a whole floor of stuff. Their rooms couldn't have been more different though. The floor was strewn with clothes and random stationary, though with such a big room it didn't look that bad. Jason liked to think of his room as neat, as he liked everything to be organized, a trend that had evidently continued throughout his high school years too (apparently, he also liked maps too, though that was a completely out of the blue trend. He had like seven globes that he wanted to get rid of). Nico's room was also barer, just plain white walls with a few photos, and the basic bed and closet setup. Jason had clearly gone a little bit overboard with the décor in his room, as the walls were covered in photos and art, and his room was full of textbooks and drawers.

"Persephone says you haven't come out of your room from three days," Percy said.

Nico's eyes immediately darkened at the mention of Persephone. "Demeter is coming. I don't need her nagging."

Percy and Jason exchanged a glance. Demeter was Hera's sister, another one of the Olympians. Her fortune came in the form of her big farming company, but she'd never really approved of her younger sister marrying Hades.

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