Chapter 5: Privacy Statement

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Disclaimer: I don't own PJO sadly enough. Rick Riordan owns everything except the plot I created. 

Piper's POV:

Piper groaned, annoyed that she had ended up in the hospital again. 

"That really happened?" her dad said. 

Jane rolled her brown eyes(AN: Uncle Rick never really describes her, so we'll go with this for now). "Yes, honey. How many times do I have to tell you that? The paparazzi are dangerous. Look what happened to poor Piper?"

Piper winced at 'honey,' moving forward a bit, then overall winced at the movement. Ugh. Her ribs really hurt more than she'd thought.

"Can you tell me, Piper?" her dad asked. 

Piper sighed. "Okay. One more time."


3 hours ago.......

The day hadn't even started out well. First, her dad decided that Jane and her needed to spend time together. Which was bad enough on its own, but Piper had made plans with Lacy that day, who needed to help her remember cheerleading positions. Her dad made her cancel those plans all to spend time with wonderful Jane. 

Second, Jane suggested they go to the mall. And Piper hated the mall. Like seriously hated it. Normally she got caught stealing there, and she didn't really see the point of shopping anyway. It never had been her thing. Her dad seemed a little worried about going to a public place too, but for a different reason. After all, paparazzi followed him around as much as they could. Jane was his newly engaged fiancee, and Piper was his daughter. They could easily be recognized too. 

Jane seemed a little worried about that, as they didn't want the engagement news out yet, but she wanted to go to the mall, so there they went, chauffeured by her dad's driver in an awkward limousine silence. 

The trip started out okay. The clothes Jane picked out were okay enough, just some cute sweaters and blouses, a couple pairs of jeans, and a few dresses that she pointed out could be needed for parties or galas. Which Piper knew was true. 

But then, Jane made her get a haircut. She claimed, "It's a desperate bid for attention, Piper."

Piper knew that it was a bid for attention, but still. It was one of the things that hadn't changed since before her memory gap. 

But sadly, Jane wouldn't take no for an answer. So, two hours after they'd come to the mall, at 11:00, Piper had a new haircut. It wasn't that bad she supposed..... but she missed her choppy hair. The haircutter at least knew what she was doing, creating a light layered hair.... but for some reason, she added blonde highlights. And that was not the best. Piper didn't have much time to evaluate her new hair however, as Jane pulled her to the cafe for lunch.

And that was when Piper snapped. Jane got her a salad with bacon in it. Bacon! Bacon was meat! And Piper was a vegetarian. She did not want bacon in her salad! 

But then, the day got even worse. Because somehow, somehow, somebody noticed them, and recognized them. And somehow called a reporter over. 

The reporter was a perky woman, with obviously dyed orange hair, and a blinding smile. Piper was used to seeing such people now though. Her Hollywood childhood had prepared her for this stuff. 

"So, Jane, any plans of engagement soon?" she said, pressing a microphone towards her face.

Jane tucked her hand into her pocket, hiding the sparkly ring. "We'd prefer not to talk to the press. Come along, Piper."

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