Chapter 2: Meet the Olympians

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Wow! I can't believe I have like five reads! That's way more than I expected, TBH. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you my updating schedule. I will probably update two times a week at least, and likely in the afternoon. If I don't write for a year, then consider the story abandoned. I hope I don't abandon it though! Please tell me what you think, you five readers!

Disclaimer: I really don't own PJO. I really want to! Rick Riordan owns it all. (Except the plot I created)


Leo's POV:

Leo was in denial. It wasn't surprising he'd turned to disbelief, as it was an old friend of his, but he honestly couldn't believe Jason had gotten into a car accident. Jason was one of the most responsible people he knew. Sure, if it was Percy, Leo would have totally believed it. But Jason? Nah. Jason was like the grandma of driving. He drove below the speed limit, and actually stopped at stop signs and red lights.

But then, Jason had been acting a little shady over the summer. Of course, Leo was sent off to engineering camp by his lovely father, so perhaps he didn't really know. Jason had always seemed a little shady, but he'd been pretty private about most things until Leo had really gotten to know him.

"Leo! Get to the car, now!" his father shouted.

Leo rolled his eyes and shoved the wires he'd been playing with into his toolbelt. When his mother had died, he'd bounced around foster homes. In fact, it wasn't until he was fifteen, two years ago, that he'd met his father. Leo hadn't been impressed, and still wasn't. His dad was one of the product managers of Olympus Enterprises. Like the biggest company in the world! And somehow, Leo had grown up in relative poverty. He'd been pissed. He was still pissed. Jason, Percy, and all the rest of the guys taught him to deal with the wealth, the privilege, the parties, the bitterness. Afterall, they had to deal with it too.

Leo dashed down the stairs to the garage, and sat himself in the front seat. His father turned the steering wheel, and they were off. They drove into silence. Leo checked his messages from Percy, and was surprised to see even more messages.

Percy: Ahhhhh!!! He doesn't remember anything from the past five years.

Percy: This is horrible!

Percy: if he doesn't remember us, then what are we to him?

Percy: Okay, okay. He still seems like normal Jason.

Percy: Leo, you need to get here now!

Percy: his parents are coming

Percy: are u here yet?

Leo replied: yes I'm almost there

Percy: okay good

Percy: nico isn't coming

Percy: I'm starting to really worry about him

Percy: maybe Jason will be able to cheer him up

Leo: yea I hope so

Leo: we're pulling up now

Leo: which room is he?

Percy: just say for Jason Grace, and then state your name. That should get you there

Leo: okay in the elevator now

The elevator doors opened, and Leo ran down the hall, ignoring his father's calls and curses, until he reached the room. Preparing himself, he took a deep breath before going in.

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