Chapter 7: Four Fears

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Disclaimer: How I wish I owned PJO. I don't. Rick Riordan does. The plot is the only thing that's mine. 

Jason's POV:

Jason had four big fears(Any divergent fans get the reference?).

1. His memories. This was a new one, but wow, his past didn't seem the best currently. Gunshots and blood and smoke? How great.

2. His sister and the Olympians. His sister could tend to be pretty scary sometimes, and the Olympians were like SUPER scary. They had so much power and prestige, that they were able to build a gated community in New York with so many houses and stuff like that, called Olympus. And they were hardly ever there, too! Percy, Nico, Jason, and Leo were the only kids there most of the time. Also, if they found out that they were hiding Hazel(nicest girl btw) in Hades's house, they likely wouldn't give them a hug

3. Failing himself and his family. No matter how complicated his family was, he still wanted to make them proud. He didn't want to mess up in from of them. 

4. Staplers. An evil one had wounded him when he was two. 

But honestly, he needed to change that list.  Annabeth Chase seriously needed to be at the top of that list. 

From her cold grey eyes to her curly blond hair, Jason's breath was caught in his throat from fear. He had to remind himself that he did know her. He'd partly grown up with her. She was the only other nice blond in his family, so they'd both suffered through Leo's golden children jokes. She was one of Thalia's best friends, and Percy's girlfriend. And most importantly, she was his friend, so he definitely wouldn't kill him, right?

"Hi Percy," Annabeth said. 

Percy's expression made it look as though he'd seen sunlight for the first time. "Annabeth."

When they kissed, Jason had to look away, but they were definitely a great couple. The girls around them didn't really seem to agree however. 

"No way!" Jason turned to see Drew, followed by Rachel(apparently actually Percy and Annabeth's friend?), Calypso(her dad worked for his dad, so apparently she was scared of them), and Nancy("very mean and rude and horrible" as said in Grover's words).

Drew stomped over, her pretty features twisted into an expression of shock. "She's actually your girlfriend?"

Drew wore a black tank top, ripped jeans, a loose cardigan, several gold necklaces, and a face full of makeup. Her black hair was secured in a sleek ponytail, and she smelled like nutmeg and pine – an intoxicating combination of Christmas. 

Before Annabeth could answer, Piper said, "Yes, Drew. Got a problem with that?"

Jason's breath caught in his throat again, but this time from shock. Piper looked gorgeous, wearing a cute sweater and jean shorts. And had she gotten a haircut or something? Not that it hadn't been nice before, but now the new layered haircut really accentuated her beautiful face. Thin highlights of gold were intertwined in her hair, like sunlight in a forest. 

Drew looked angry and ready to lash out, but at the last second, she seemed to gain control of her anger. "Fine. I like Jason more anyway."

She gave him a flirty smile and walked away. Calypso and Nancy immediately followed, but Rachel stayed behind. 

"Sorry about that," she said. 

Rachel gave Annabeth one last hug, then followed the group with a flounce of her sundress. Jason noticed that Rachel was wearing way less makeup and her hair was way more natural than the others. From Calypso's braid and Nancy's curled hair to Rachel's red hair a bit frizzy and behind black headband, Jason couldn't help but wonder, what the heck was going on? 

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