Not an update

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Hey. So I have decided that I'm going to cut my break short. I miss writing so much because it makes me happy.

I have created a new book about Draco Malfoy. It's called Mirror Mirror and the first chapter has been posted. So you guys should totally go check that out! Along with the other book about the twins called Wicked.

Thank you guys for 24k it means a lot. Also, thank you to the people who messaged me and made sure that I was okay during my break. It was greatly appreciated and made me feel like I actually have people on here that care about my mental health and feelings. So thank you all for that:)

I'll update later, it will be an imagine about the twins.
I'll update all day tomorrow, or as much as I feel like lol.
Feel free to message me with requests and ideas or comment.
I hope you all have an amazing day and are all beautiful and are loved.
Okay okay I'm done.
Bye babes🤩

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