You get hit with the Crutacious curse (re-written) (only students)

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So if you don't already know, the crutacious curse is a spell that causes agonizing pain and can even be deathly to some.

Imagine it's the battle of Hogwarts, you're running down the hall with (person of your choice) when all of a sudden a deatheater turns the corner.
"CRUCIO!" It shouts. A searing pain rips through your body as you drop to the floor screaming. That's when (person of your choice) gets rid of the person and drops to their knees beside you.

Harry- "Hey hey hey, she it's alright"

-just wants to hug you, but I'd scared it will hurt you more.
-yells for Sirius to come and help you.
-when Sirius says there's nothing that he can do, Harry feels horrible and stays by your side until the pain is gone.

Ron- "Bloody hell y/n!"

-when he realizes that the spell hit you, he immediately drops to your side and starts yelling things like "you're going to be okay I promise"
-when the curse finally wears off he gives you a giant hug.

Cedric- "Damnit! No y/n!"

-sees you on the ground and immediately hexes the deatheater.
-would probably be cautious about touching you

Tom- "oh hell no"

-Avada Kedavras the person
-when he sees that you're in pain and sits beside you and rests your head in his lap.

Oliver- "What the hell?!"

-doesn't even care about the person, he only cares about you at that moment.
-when you finally croak out for him to go get the person, he does as he's told to avenge you.

Draco- "my father will here about this Maxwell!"

-literally knows the deatheater🤚😭
-stupefies them and then drops to your side.

Neville- "Sunflower it's okay"

-tries to comfort you through it.
-when he tries to hug you and you yell in pain he immediately regrets it.
-tears form in his eyes when seeing you in pain.

Fred- "Love shhhhh, it's okay the pain will be over soon"

-pulls you onto his lap and kisses your forehead
-it kills him inside knowing that he can't do anything to make the curse subside.

George- "Darling...y/n? SHIT!"

-when he sees you, gurl that jaw CLENCHES. He literally chases after the deatheater and kills them😔🤚
-when he comes back, he picks you up bridal style and carries you into an empty classroom so he can hold you🥺

Hermione- "That was an idiot move! Why didn't you move?!"

-she's terrified of you being hurt anymore.
-she won't leave your side at all after that.
-Hermione Granger is apart of you now.

Ginny- "oh sweetheart come here"

-pulls you into her lap and strokes your hair soothingly.
-lets you lay on her and rest when the curse subsides.

Luna- "No, I'll get them later. Only you matter right now"

-hugs you while you cry into her chest.
-rubs your back soothingly.
-helps you into another room when it wears off.

Hey guys!!! So this is just one of many imagines to come today. The next one is probably going to be about how the HP characters are like when THEY get hit with the crutacious curse.

Okay, bye babes🤩

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