Sick days(Harry Potter)

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You walk into potions with Fred and George. You giggle and smack them as they both wink at you and walk away to their tables. "Morning Ron, morning Hermione" you say smiling at them. They both smile and wave. "Where's Harry?" You ask looking around the room. Ron shrugs his shoulders and looks around. "He said he wasn't feeling the best today. He looked pretty dead" Ron says. You sigh and nod, sitting down beside them.


It was about 10 minutes into class when Harry walks through the door. His hair was messy, his shirt under his sweater was untucked, and he looked like he had just woken up. Snape furrows his eyebrows at him before scoffing. "Your late" he says bluntly. Harry nods and sits down beside you. "I know, I know- I woke up late" He mumbles. Snape rolls his eyes before turning around. "Don't let it happen again" he says harshly. Harry nods again before placing his head in his arms on the table. You slightly nudge him. He turns his head and looks at you through the corner of his eyes. "Yes?" He says quietly. You smile at him, "hi" you say sweetly. He smiles back at you. "Hi bub" he whispers before putting his head back into his arms. You sigh and rub small circles on his back. "You feeling crappy babe?" You ask leaning down towards him. He slowly nods his head and leans into you. You smile and pull him closer.

After class

You and Harry walk back to his dorm. You open the door as he immediately walks over to the bed, falling into it and wrapping himself up in the blanket. You giggle and grab one of his hoodies from the closet and change into it. He smiles before extending his arms out to you. "Cuddle me?" He asks pushing his bottom lip out. You giggle and nod before jumping into bed with him. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into him. You run your fingers through his hair, emitting a small groan from his lips. He stirs around and shifts himself on top of you, sniffling before laying his head on your chest. "Are you sick my love?" You ask teasingly. He simply nods his head before hugging you tightly. You kiss the top of his head and continue running your fingers through his hair.
2 hours later

Harry had eventually fallen asleep. You soon after him. You were awaken by Hermione softly shaking you. "Hey, hey y/n wake up!" She whisper/yells. You slowly open your eyes and look up at her holding 2 plates of food. "I brought you guys your dinner. You weren't at the table so I assumed you were here" he says sweetly. You smile at her before gently shaking Harry. "Hey, wake up baby" you say quietly. He stirs around before his eyes flutter open. "Hmm?" He hums in response. "We slept through dinner" you say. He giggles softly before tolling off of you, standing up. "Oops" he says looking at Hermione. She smiles before setting the food on the beside table and walking out.

"I'm not hungry" Harry says poking the food with his fork. I sigh and take the plate from him, setting it on the bed. "You don't have to eat it Harry" you say softly. He nods and lays back down. "You need to shower, it will help" you suggest. He groans and rolls over. "I'm tireedddd" he whines. You roll your eyes and grab his hand, pulling him up. "I'll shower with you" you say raising your eyebrows. His head shoots up as his mouth gapes open. "Okay!" He yells, running towards the bathroom. You giggle and follow behind him. Sick days with this boy are the best.

Just a lil sum, I'm in school rn so it's kinda rushed. Bye babes🤩

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