If I'm enough ~ pt 3

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Professor Mcgonagall and Dumbledore came running into the room.
Mcgonagall gasped as she saw Fred on the floor with you and George hunched over him.
Harry stood in the corner, shocked at his own actions.

"Harry...y/n......George....come with me, now" Dumbledore says.
You all nod and follow him out the door.


"Harry...it's time you tell your friends what's going on. It's affecting them, and it's hurting you even more" Dumbledore says.
You furrow your eyebrows and look at Harry.
"What's he talking about?" You ask.

Harry sighs before leaning back in his chair.
George grabs your hand under the table and gives it a tight squeeze.

Harry sighs once more before speaking.
"Every since the triwizard tournament...ever since I saw Voldemort in the flesh for the first time. It's like-" he pauses for a moment.

You lean forward and grab his hand, rubbing small circles over the back of it. He smiles a bit before looking up at you.
"Whatever is going on...you can tell us. We're here for you Harry" you assure him.
He nods before continuing.

"It's like he's always with me. Like in my head. The first time was the day I-I hurt you. I felt so angry at everyone for no reason at all....and when you touched me- I don't know, the anger just kind of...boiled I guess" he explains.
"And then again, when Fred was yelling at me....there was a voice in my head that sounded exactly like Voldemort. It was saying use the unforgivable curse, like it wanted me to kill Fred. I couldn't bring myself to do it...but I wanted the voice to go away so I used the Crutacious curse. I'm sorry George" Harry says, looking up at George with sympathy.

"I didn't mean to hurt him....I had to. He made me" Harry explains.
George nods before leaning back in his chair.

"Wait wait wait....so- you know who....is controlling your mind and thoughts" you retort.
Harry nods as you all look at Dumbledore.

"So what do we do about this?" You ask him.
He shakes his head and shrugs.
"I'm afraid that there isn't anything we can do. Harry just has to learn to control his own thoughts and over power Voldemort" Dumbledore explains.

Harry sighs as you scoff and look around frantically.

"So Harry's just supposed to deal with that evil wizard basically LIVING in his head?!" You ask.
Dumbledore nods as you scoff again.

"Calm down y/n.. It's fine-" Harry begins, but you quickly cut him off.

"No it's not fine Harry! You really did scare all of us...you scared me! You've never hurt me like that before" you whisper the last part.

Harry drops his head and nods.
"I know...and I'm so sorry- that I hurt you. I truly am. But- I don't know what to do" Harry's voice cracked as he choked back sobs.

You couldn't help but feel bad for him.
You got up from your seat and walked over to him, wrapping him in your arms.
"It's gonna be okay Harry....we're going to help you through this- okay?!" You ask, shaking his shoulders a bit.
He looks up at you and nods.

"Thank you"

Sorry that this one is so short, I'm really tired and just trying to get through with it.

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