Your my yellow(Cedric Diggory)

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Ahaha get it, cuz he's in Okay.

Okay so imagine that Cedric was gone for a really long time, and you go to pick him up at the train station, and when you guys meet once again- it's really f^cking sweet.

You smile to yourself as you walk onto the platform if the train station. Many people around you could see how excited and extremely nervous you were. Your boyfriend Cedric had been gone for some last minute training for the battle of Hogwarts and this was your first time seeing him in months.

The train came barreling down the tracks. The butterflies in your stomach became more apparent than they had already been. "Just breath y/n" Luna says, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. You look at her and smile, sighing deeply. "What if- what if he forgot about me" you mumble, looking down to yourself. Luna smacks your arm lightly, nudging your side. "Don't be stupid   y/n! There's no way in hell that he forgot about you" she practically yells, causing everyone to look at you two. Your cheeks slowly heat up in embarrassment. "Thanks a lot Luna" you hiss. She smiles and nods before looking forward to the oncoming train.

She extends her hand out for you to take and squeals. "Come on y/n! I wanna go see Neville" she says, pulling you towards the train. You giggle and run along with her.

The train comes to a complete stop and the door slide open. Hundreds of new students and regular people come barreling through the doors, pushing through the crowd surrounding the train. Your heart skips a beat when you see your friends stepping off the train, knowing that Cedric was going to be one of those people. Luna squeals once more before running up to Neville and engulfing him in a hug. He stumbles back a bit before smiling and placing a small kiss to his lips. You giggle and walk up to them, giving Neville a small hug. "It's good to see you Nev" you say, smiling at him. "Good to see you too" he says, hugging Luna once more.

It's been about 5 minutes, Cedric still hadn't come out. You were standing on the platform talking to Luna and Neville, when you feel a small tap on your shoulder. Luna's face lights up with excitement as she smiles and points to the person behind you.

"Uhhhh y/n?" The voice says. You smile brightly to yourself before turning your head around. "Yes?" You say, looking up at the boy. He smiles down at you and drops his bags. "I missed you" he mumbles before extending his arms out. You feel tears brim at your eyes before you smile and whip yourself around, flying into his arms. "I missed you more Ced" you mumble into his chest.

Luna and Neville "awww" behind you.  You giggle and pull away from Cedric, taking his face in your hands and pulling it down to meet your lips. He quickly accepts the kiss, his hands snaking around your waist and sitting comfortingly on your hips. You feel him smile into the kiss as everyone around you cheers and hugs their loved ones coming back from training.

You gently pull away, laying your forehead on his. He chuckles slightly, taking your hands in his. "Don't leave me for that long again please" you plead, closing your eyes and placing your hands on his chest. He sighs and pulls you into him, stroking your hair softly. "I won't, I promise" he mumbles. You smile and nod, pulling away once more. "You're my yellow" you whisper, pulling him into one last kiss.

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