Sick days (reversed) (Harry Potter)

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Inspired by MrsWeasleyHargreeves

Sooo if you've read all of my imagines than you have probably read the one I posted a couple days ago. It's about Harry being sick and you take care of him. Well in this one:

Imagine your sick with the flu and Harry takes care of you until all day.

You wake up and groan, gripping your stomach and head. "What the hell?" You say to yourself in a questioning manner. "I was perfectly fine yesterday"

You sigh and roll out of bed, stumbling over to your drawer to grab your uniform and robe.
There was a small knock at the door, and Hermione poked her head through the crack. "Morning sunshine" she beamed. You roll your eyes and shake your head. She furrows her eyebrows and steps all the way into the room. "Gosh y/n, you look AWFUL!" She says dramatically. You look over at her and smile. "Oh really? I thought I looked like a million bucks" you snip. She giggles and shakes her head. "No, you look how Umbridge did after the twins pranked her last week" she teases.

You sigh and sit back down onto your bed. "I don't think I'm going to be able to go to classes today" you mumble. Hermione walks over to you and places her hand on your forehead, quickly pulling it away. "Y/n you're burning up!" She yells. You flinch and shush her. "Would you be quiet, I've got this wicked headache" you explain. She immediately covers her mouth, "sorry" she whispers.

"I'm gonna go get Harry-" she says, turning around, but you quickly grab her arm. "No! Don't get Harry, he needs to focus on O.W.L.S, and with Voldemort coming-" she cuts you off. "With Voldemort coming you need to be at your best health. I'm getting Harry y/n, whether you like it or not. He's your boyfriend, he needs to know when your ill" she protests. You scoff and lay back down in your bed. "Now you rest until we come back" he demands. "We?" You ask, furrowing your eyebrows. "Yes we, Harry is awful at taking care of people!" She giggles. You smile and nod as she turns and walks out of the door.


"Ugh, Hermione go to class! I can take care of my girlfriend myself!" You hear Harry yell as your eyes flutter open. "When did I fall asleep?" You think to yourself.

Hermione quickly shushes Harry when she sees your eyes opening. "You daft dimbo you woke her up!" She hisses at Harry. Harry shoots her a daggering glare before she scoffs and turns away to leave. "Bye Mione" you mumble. She turns around and smiles. "Feel better"

You feel a hand on your cheek. You look up to see Harry smiling down at you. "Not feeling so well today bubs?" He asks, brushing his thumb over your skin. You groan and shake your head. "No" you mumble. He sighs and pushes you over a bit, before climbing into the bed next to you.
"Harry what are you doing? You have  class!" You say. Harry clicks his tongue and shakes his head. "No, I've already talked to Dumbledore, I can stay with you today" he assures you. You look him up and down and shake your head. "No Harry I'll be fine, you need to get ready for-" he cuts you off by kissing you. You roll your eyes, but kiss him back.
He pulls away softly, his hand resting on yours. "When Voldemort comes back- we both need to be ready" his eyebrows rose at the word *both*.

"I can't fight him alone, I need you by my side..." his gaze drifts off into your eyes. He smiles before grabbing your hand. "We're the chosen ones" he teases. You snicker and lay your head on his chest. He chuckles and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into him more.

"Do you need anything?" He asks, looking down at you. You shake your head and nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck. "For you to stay here" you mumble. His grip around you becomes tighter as he nods slowly. "Then that's what I'll do"

Heyyyyyy so I got bored in class lmao, and someone commented on something I could write about so I did. I hope you guys like it!

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