popcorn tub / chapter 21

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"No?" I clarified, fully confused on why he would change his mind. I remembered that before he was completely fine with the idea. Though it was never confirmed it sounded as if he would be fine with me staying with him.

"It's not going to work, sorry," He scratched the back of his head, looking around like he was nervous about something.

"Do you know what that means then?"

"What do you mean,"

"I don't have anywhere else, my house is taken and I reassured my mother I had a place to stay," I dragged my fingers through my hair. "I thought you were okay with me staying here. I mean, when I mentioned it you seemed perfectly fine with it,"

"No, no I was then, but uh things changed. It's complicated and I really want to help you out but at the moment I can't do that," He sighed, taking my hands in his. "I'm really sorry, can we talk later? I'll help you find another place, but can't do it at the moment. I have someone, um coming, and it's important,"

"Really? More important than helping me find a place to stay?"

"Ye-No! No, it's just, I really can't explain and like I said now really isn't a good time. I love you but I can't talk now," He kissed the top of my forehead and closed the door.

I looked around feeling defeated. It didn't feel good to have to resort to the last option, calling my mother for help. I didn't want to add any unnecessary stress when she was already in the hospital.

I made it back to the way downstairs with my bags. Once getting into my car, I made the phone call to my mother.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Y/n, is something wrong?" She asked back, worry in her voice.

"No, i'm fine mother. Don't worry at all, it's just, the place I was going to stay is kind of occupied at the moment and I was wondering if you had another idea on where I could stay," I hesitantly asked, scared she would start stressing, that wouldn't be good for her health.

"Oh! Is it your aunt, call her, she can either find somewhere else or find you a place. You shouldn't have to pay,"

"It's fine, she can't stay there I can just pay for a hotel, I have the money. It's just the factor that I will be staying here awhile for you, and would like to have a somewhat homey place to stay at," I explained. "But i'll call her, you rest okay? Love you,"

"Love you too," She spoke sweetly soon hanging up. I  then dialed my aunt.

"Aunt mai?"

"Yes, did you find a place?"

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