bunny / chapter 8

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"Kei-Keishin?" I sat up, the arms from last night still being around me. "I'm sorry for interrupting your sleep, I never meant to," I sighed.

"You're fine bunny," He told me with a sly smile.

"Bunny? Who said i'm a bunny, i'm a independent women, i'm no bunny," I told him, laughing.

"It's just a little name, calm down now feisty bunny,"

"Oh, wow, that's even better," I chuckled, I hadn't had a real good laugh in a long time now.

"Should I get some breakfast ready? You snore a lot though, very annoying," I sat up on the bed, grabbing a pillow and holding it out in front of him.

"Take that back," I warned.

"What, that you are the LOUDEST snorer I have ever heard, because if you want me to take that back, i'm afraid I can't," He sighed and I threw the pillow down on his face. Before I could think of a next move he was pulling me down so that I was laying on top of him.

"Keishin?" He flipped me over so now he was looking over me.

"I like this position better, nows a good time to get used to it for the future," He chuckled and my eyes got wider. At that moment I just let out a little laugh going to mess with his hair a bit. "Ahh," He let out a noise causing us both to stop what we were doing.

He was moving his hands to my waist, tickling me a bit. My hands were still in his hair, massaging it and admitting the vibrant color and soft feeling. In the awkward situation with the noise, I just laughed pushing him off of me.

"Keishin, what if we go out for breakfast?" I offer, rolling out of the bed.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea," He commented, getting up with no shirt on still. "Here take my sweatshirt, try these black jeans on too," He handed me a pair of women's black jeans.

"Um, why do you have these?"

"There my sisters,"

"Mhm," I hummed walking to the bathroom.

"They are!" I just let out a chuckle, changing out of those clothes and into the black jeans that somehow fit pretty well. I through on the new sweatshirt. He smelled nice, even though there was a good amount of smoke smell, he must have had pretty good detergent.

"I'm done!" I yelled, going out and jumping on the mans back. "I'll take my bag with, there is a good cafe I used to go to all the time around here," I exclaimed.

"That's fine, you lead the way. We can take my car if you want," He picked up the keys and dangled them in front of my face.

"No, we will walk, it's nice out," I told him, snatching the keys and throwing them back on the counter.

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