nicknames galore / chapter 16

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"Say that again," I spoke, turning around to be face to face with the smoker.

"Y/n, I respect you, but in the most simple and kind way to say this... Your not my type," He said simply, taking a sip of a drink he brought.

"I'm not your type?" I looked at him dead in the eyes, he didn't have to go that far.

"Um, yeah," He shrugged his shoulders.

"Then what is your type?"

"Should we really talk about this in a hospital, with your mom?"

"I'm interested now," I say, crossing my arms over my chest. I could have made up a excuse better than that one, it kind of hurt.

"I want to know too, I don't mind. I'll learn eventually about all you kids type," My mother chirped up, sitting in her bed.

"I'm going to go," Daichi commented, grabbing his bag and walking out. I guess it would be weird to hear about your coaches type, just not needed.

"Sorry, go on Keishin," I told him, sitting at the edge of my mothers bed.

"What I mean to say is, I like girls who are very um.." He tapped his chin, setting down his drink. "Innocent?"

"Innocent?" My mother and I both questioned at the same time.

"I guess, i'm going to step out now," He opened the door, getting ready to take a step out the door.

"Well, it's a good thing i'm not your type!" I voiced, looking at my mom. "Because I got myself a date, and frankly you're not my type. So this is a win-win, I would say," I saw him take a step back inside the room.

"What now?" He looked at me, his facing showing a new emotion.

"You heard," I got off the bed and moved towards my mother. "I'll check on you later, love you," I bent down to plant a light kiss on her cheek and made my way out the door after a furious Keishin.

I followed him threw the building, out the back doors to a smoking area.

"Keishin, will you calm it?" I laughed, stepping up to him and taking the lighter from him.

"Whatever," He scoffed taking a drag.

"Baby, are you okay?"

"Little girl, that stunt you pulled wasn't very funny," He stepped closer to me, putting out his cigarette. "I think someone has to teach you how to behave," He moved his face closer to mine, allowing me to smell the recent cigarette sent on his breath.

"H-huh?" I looked around, starting to take a step back when a hand slipped around my waist.

"You heard me. Now," He tapped my nose. "Be a good girl okay princess, I can't deal with bad girls at a hospital, now can I?" He moved his hand onto my cheek, lightly caressing it. Soon are lips were connected into a passionate kiss. I could feel the arm around my waist tightening with each second, trying to move our lips closer than they already are.

Before I could process it, his tongue was slipped in and colliding with me. His other hand still on my cheek, caressing it kindly. He pulled apart, a line of drool still connecting us, and light up another cigarette.

"Wow" I breathed out, reaching towards my lips and feeling where his once were.

"Now, don't you think I am your type." He chuckled, sticking the cigarette into his mouth. "Maybe you should cancel that date eh, I don't think he will be happy your lips were having a fun time with someone else," He winked, causing me to let out a little laugh.

"Yeah whatever, what do you mean by innocent anyway,"

"Nothing, I don't like any other girl besides you. You should know that my little crow. You're independent, strong, gorgeous, badass, hot, other all good descriptive words," He laughed. "I was just saying that to throw off your mom, no ones you, don't forget that little girl,"

"You are something," I told him walking off laughing.

"I'll let you go this time, but I can't promise for next time," He calls out while I enter the building again.

I go back to my mothers room to see her and Daichi talking once again.

"Hey y/n!" Daichi speaks up. "We were talking about some collages, my third year is almost up and that means that I will be moving away," He sighs, and I look at my mom who is trying to keep a smile on.

"Oh you two, don't worry about me. I'm just happy I was able to see my baby's grow up," She speaks, her eyes getting a little watery.

"You sound like you won't be here to see more, don't talk like that," I scold her, giving her a hug.

"I'm very lucky to have the two of you," She admits kissing my forehead and moving her hand to Daichi's cheek. "But run along now,"

"What?" Daichi and I speak at the same time.

"Enjoy the day, i'll be okay. The doctors will call you if anything happens, you both are still young and shouldn't be getting wrinkles worrying about me," She speaks, pushing us lightly off the bed.

"Okay mom, we love you," I tell her and Daichi gives her a little kiss on the cheek. We make our way out and he leaves to meet up with some of his friends.

I text Ukai, telling him I have the night out and he texts me back saying he will pick me up.

"Helloooooo my boyfriend!" I yell, jumping into the front seat.

"If it isn't my princess," He chuckles, I have a nice little plan for us tonight.

"Really?" I question, buckling my seat in.

"Yes, today is our night," We end up holding a light conversation and soon make it to a park. The moon is shining and I see he has a couple shopping bags in the back of his car.

"Keishin, what's your plan...." I look around and the beautiful view and follow him on top of a hill. He lays out a blanket and starts taking out some little treats.

"Now, i'm bad at romantic things, so I asked my sister about it and she recommended this," Ukai admits sitting down on the blanket.

"This-This is amazing." I look at the sky and look back at his face, his eyes shining from the moonlight. "You're amazing," He opens his legs and I lay in between them. My back lying on his chest. He starts to pet my hair a bit and I start to dig into the treats. At one point we separate and play a little game to see who can catch the most candies in their mouth.

"You look so beautiful here right now," He whispers, pulling me closer so that now my chest rushes on his chest. Soon my back is on the ground and Keishin is towering over me. "You look very hot under too," He winks, leaning down to place his lips on my jaw line. Then moving them down to lightly bite my neck and sucking harshly.

"Ahh Keishin," He continues and soon breaks apart to plant a light kiss on my lips. "I love you y/n,"

"Keishin, I love yo-"


I groan and turn over to pick up the phone.

"Hello," I speak into it, while Keishin sends me a little face, and I stifle a laugh. He takes out a cigarette and sends me some more looks.

"This is Joyview Hospital speaking, are you Y/n L/n?" The women asks.

"Yeah, how can I help you? Is this regarding the billing?"

"Um no, Miss Sawamura, this is regarding your mother,"


i'm suprised so many people like this, i feel like this fanfiction isn't that good lol

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