my girlfriend / chapter 24

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"Yua Watanabe?" I repeated the name, still looking down at the license.

"Why don't you guys stay a little longer?" Ukai offered, walking out of his room with Takeda.

"That could be okay," Takada responded unsure. "We were going to go out the two of us, but I guess it could be the three?"

"Sure, I don't care," I shrugged. "Hey, do you have a pen and pencil?"

"Yeah, of course, why?"

"I need to borrow one, came up with some idea for my writing," I lied, taking the pen and paper from his hand and writing down the name, soon sticking the paper in my pocket. "Thanks,"

"What should we do? Go out drinking?" Ukai i suggested.

"Well, we don't want to get too bad, Y/n, don't you still have paperwork?"

"I think so, but maybe a little drink wouldnt be too bad. I'll invite Sakura!" I grabbed my phone and started to dial her number, she soon picked up and I told her the plan and how to meet over at Ukai's apartment.

"So, Takeda," Ukai turned to him, running his hands through his hair. "You have any siblings?"

"Why? I have a sister but I don't think you would be her type. Though it would be cool because we could be brothers in law, maybe i'll see-"

"No, it was just a question to get a topic started, that's all," He sighed. "I don't know how you'll ever get someone," Ukai joked.

"I already have," Takeda responded proudly. "I don't see you with anyone,"

"Oh, I have someone," He cheekily smiled. "I have someone,"

"Who's that again? I don't see any photos of her here?"

"Wow, look at little Takeda getting all confident," Ukai laughed.

"Hey, I was the one that was confident enough to keep fighting and get you to coach the team, don't act like I can't be confident," He hastily responded.

"Uh, what's going on here?" I interrupted. "You two aren't gonna start punching or something right, because I don't think they will let us in the bar if you look like criminals running from the police,"

"No, Takeda just is now a big man now," Ukai scoffed.

"Whatever, my subordinate other is much better than yours," He turned to look at me, a proud smile showing on his face, I shot him back a look of confusion, wondering where this would go.

"Subordinate other, what's his name?"

"It's not a he!" Takeda exclaimed. "She's super pretty, and very funny, she writes-"

"My girlfriend writes also," Ukai interrupted. "She smokes sometimes, and cares so much about her family, though sometimes I would just give up on some of them,"

"Well, she likes food an-"

"A lot of girls like food, it sounds like you don't know much about her,"

"I do! I have to if we are going to get married,"

"Wait, your girlfriend, you're officially together-"

"Yes!" Takeda exclaimed, grabbing my hand and intertwining it with mine. "Yep,"

"Wait! I didn't. We didn't. Hold on," I took my hand apart and took a step back. "We aren't officially together, i'm not with you Takeda, we just hang out,"

"And go on dates, like that movie one!"

"You threw up on me then! It was one date too,"


"Hello party people!" Sakura yelled, walking through the door. "Who's ready to drink!"

"I forgot," I slapped my forehead. "Sakura may be shy, and not great with getting men, but the girl knows how to drink,"

"So, it's a good thing, we can get some shots or something," Sakura responded, she grabbed my hand and motioned for the other men to follow us out the door.

Soon we were all crammed in Takeda's car, Sakura was rambling about a new man she met and how he said 'good girl' one time and she went head over heals. But the tension present in the car was alarming, the boys sat in the front and they barely exchanged galnces.

"Let's not drink too long or anything," I mentioned, they all nodded and Ukai turned up the music, irrupting a argument between the men in the front.

"I don't like pop music," Takeda commented, turning it down.

"Yeah but Y/n has said before that Sakura does, so let's help the ladies,"

"Ukai you own a grocery store, I don't think that's very lady appealing," Takeda mumbled under his breath. "I'm sick of always being considered not as good as you, I may not be as confident or rude, but I can still stand up for myself,"

"We're here!" Sakura exclaimed, opening the car door quickly and pulling me out. We all went into the bar, luckily it wasn't too busy tonight but there were still a good amount of people.

The night was spent with random shots and random karaoke songs, all until we were sitting at the bar. Takeda had only had a few drinks, but the other two and I had a bit more fun.

I pulled out my phone, while the piece of paper fell out along with it. I opened it up and remembered the name, quickly typing it into my search bar.

I found a link with her name and photo, a dating page?

Yua Watanabe

26 years old
single/ talking to someone
job : real estate
living area : japan area
type : hot men & funny
description : i'm very dovated to my job, but i'll easily be devoted to you. Get to know me a bit more and we can have so much fun!
email :

Her photo was also on the page, she was gorgeous. A very pretty girl and seemed that she also did some piano in her free time.

What if Ukai had seen her? Why was her wallet there?

um this is such a shit chapter so i might take it down, but we will see...

- also thanks for 50k views <33
hope you enjoyed

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