suprise visitor / chapter 9

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I started to make my way home. To be honest, I wasn't really in the mood for this right now. The man who had cheated on me and truly just used me, was now showing up at my home, fun!

"Hey, y/n wait up!" Ukai called up, running behind me.

"Hey Keishin, what's up?" I asked looking at the male.

"Is everything alright? You left pretty quickly and seem kind of annoyed," He observed.

"Just more problems to deal with," I groaned, taking out my phone and seeing texts from Daichi. "And now Daichi is questioning me like some detective, he would be a good police man," I chuckle to myself.

"What had happened, you need a cigarette?"

"I'm going to pass, I think they fit your vibe better than mine," I laughed, handing him back the lighter.

"You're loss,"

"My loss? You're the one losing some years, but sure mine," He nudged my shoulder and continued to take a drag of the cigarette.

"Mhm, it's a good de stressor. You do seem very stressed with everything going on, you are one busy women for being so young,"

"I know that, I got a 'lucky' job and a 'lucky' life. But I don't consider it lucky. I don't get to do what I want, I don't have time for myself. Heck, I don't even really get to date who I want," I explained, running my hands through my hair.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked, moving closer to me.

"I didn't really care for dating in America, but my coworker told me it would be good to have a boyfriend, it makes you more relatable when interviewing and things," I sighed. "Cameron, he is kind of dumb but considered cute or whatever so they said date the boy, and I gave it a try but it just causes me more stress," Soon a hand wrapped around me, pulling me closer to the older males side.

"Y/n, i'm sorry you go through all of that, that's not how a relationship should be, one day I will show you,"

"Keishin, what do you mean by sho-" I started to say,  I looked up and realized we made it to my mothers house.

"Y/n, you're home sweetheart. Oh Ukai, did you need something from Daichi?" My mother asked, Ukai quickly moving his hand away.

"Oh no, it's jus-"

"There you are y/n, took you long enough," Daichi clicked his tongue a few times after his sentence, acting like some over protective father.

"Enough little bro," I scoffed.

"Coach Ukai, do you need something. It's just Suga and I here," Daichi mentioned, pointing over to the boy besides him.

"No, no I was just about to leave, goodbye kids, bye y/n," He slowly made his way out of there, his cigarette still in his mouth.

"Why didn't you tell me about your boyfriend from America sweetie, he's a little strange though," My mother expressed, grabbing my hand and dragging me inside.

"Well actually mom he is my-" I noticed the male was in the kitchen and he quickly engulfed me into a hug.

"Y/n! I missed you, god you look somehow even hotter. How is my sexy girlfriend." He quickly latched our lips together and kept licking my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I repeatedly denied.

"Okayyy, enough of that," I moved away from him, going to my mother.

"Oh y/n, I raised you well," My mother remarked. I ignored the little remark and sent daggers to my ex boyfriend.

"Why are you here again Cameron?" I questioned, still giving him the look.

"I wanted to visit my lovely girlfriend and have a little talk,"

"A little talk? We don't need no talk, I talked to you over the phone and now you show up here, how did you get my mothers address again?"

"I asked your boss, he is a good friend of my dads,"

"Right," I sighed thinking about how I would never get out of this mess. "Anyways, what shall we do, Daichi you have a game right?" I turned to Daichi who was busy talking with Suga.

"Oh yeah, we do. Are you coming?" He asked excited.

"Sure!" I went upstairs to change and grab a new bag. "Let's get going, it starts soon right?"

"Let me pack myself a little snack," My mother mentioned moving to the kitchen.

"I don't think you should come with Cameron. You always complain about volleyball not being a good sport or what not. At least you did when I told you I used to play," I faked coughed. "So, set up in the basement and I will see you later, hopefully never," I quickly jogged out of the house, landing in the front seat of my moms car.

"You were fast y/n," Daichi commented, moving into the back, Suga coming after him.

"Got to be to get away from that guy," I laughed.

"That guy? I thought he was your boyfriend," Suga mentioned.

"Oh, yeah, well ex. Don't tell mom! He just was a bad one so I broke up with him over the phone and then he shows up out of the blue. But I have to be nice or I could lose my job," I quickly explain. Daichi looks like he is about to say something but my mom soon got in the car.

"I'm so excited to see you boys play today!" My mother exclaimed, starting up the car. "You're going to be great," The rest of the way to the game we chatted about how excited my mother was for them to play. I was so happy she didn't try to bring up Cameron, it was something I wasn't ready to deal with just yet.

We finally made it to the gym and I decided to sneak off from my family and look around at the other players. Some of it was because I didn't want to see Ukai right now, but most of it was because I didn't want my mom trying to bring up my ex.

I was at the vending machine getting some water when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Keishin, Hi!" I said a little scared at the sudden figure.

"Y/n, i'm sorry,"

"Sorry? Sorry abou-" Soon I felt something on my lips and realized that it was Ukai. At first I was confused by it, but soon eased into it, allowing his tongue to enter my mouth and look around. It was such a delightful and gentle feeling from a more of a rougher man. I couldn't get enough of it.

I eventually pulled away, allowing myself to catch my breath, and him catch his.

"That was amazing," I spoke breathlessly.

"Yeah, you are one mother fu-"

"Y/n! What is going on," My mother yelled.

Oh no, how was I going to break it to her that the man who followed me here and is technically more successful (only because of his looks) isn't the person I really like. I really like a old, smoker.

"Um, I can explain,"

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