Falling -Chapter 1

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Danny's eyes shot open, his body aching in pain. "What happened where am I?" he called out, his voice was raspy and pained, he could barely recognize it. his eyes darted around the darkroom, barely making out a figure in the room.

"Daniel, you're awake." The man's tone was smug. Danny immediately recognized who it was. Eyes glaring a hole into the figure with all his might.

"Vlad." He growled, pulling his arms against the metal restraints holding him down. "What did you do to me?" His whole side and arm felt like they were on fire. He remembered fighting Valerie when he was blasted, Some brand new ghost weapon or something.

The tall man stepped forward into the dim eerie light, he had silver hair and an expensive-looking suit. A smirk spread across his face at Danny's expression. "Well my boy, I saved you." Danny snarled at the man not believing a word that escaped his lips. "You were badly injured in a fight with young Valerie, so you see I brought you back here." He gestured around his lab, which Danny could only now see as his eyes finally adjusted to the light.

"You make her weapons; you didn't save me!" His fist started to glow green only for the power to sputter out of existence a moment later.

"Let's avoid the technicalities, shall we? And I healed you, well mostly." his voice was sickly sweet like he was supposed to be praised for helping. Danny's eyes darted down towards his side and arm, as much as he could see while strapped down on a table. Across his arm and shoulder, all the way down his side and and assumably down onto his back, his skin looked as if it was mauled and burned, that was the pain that he had been feeling. Vlad smiled at the boy's surprised and horrified expression at this new realization."Oh, and I took it upon myself to add some much-needed accessories." The man continued off handedly and Danny's blood froze.

"W-what do you mean?" He was almost too scared to ask, but he needed to know!

"Well, you might not be able to feel it, but a piece of metal is in your neck. My own design of course." He gestured towards himself. "It gives me control of how strong your powers are, and I can turn them off and on with the push of a single button." He held out a remote and pushed the green button in the middle. A shock of electricity shot through Danny's body, waves of pain around him. Suddenly two familiar white rings materialized around his waist pulling apart to reveal a white-haired teen with toxic green eyes and a black and white hazmat suit. Danny's ghost form

The boy took a moment of realization of what power Vlad now held over him and snarled with all his might, his sharper canines showing as he tried to express how angry he was at the man. Instead, Vlad only chuckled as he pushed the same button, the same pain washing over Danny with a soundless scream of pain as he transformed back into his human side. his raven-colored hair covering his eyes. Vlad placed the remote into his suit pocket. "I am still working out the kinks, but it works quite well, don't you think?"

Danny's blue eyes flashed a bright fluorescent green in anger, his ghost half trying to peak through again. He tried to speak but couldn't get his mouth to make a sound. Vlad loudly laughs at the boy's silent protest, and Danny grits his teeth before hanging his head in exhaustion. He felt like he was going to throw up, the world around him spinning. He couldn't let Vlad have him, he couldn't. Danny summoned all the power he had to fire out of his hand, the blast ricocheted off of an ecto-proof surface in the room that worked as a mirror. The blast managed to fly back around the room and hit what looked to be a large battery that had been powering the table holding Danny down.

The clips on Danny's wrists released, and he fell to the floor. He only had a second to think before Vlad could grab him, there across the room was a man-made ghost portal, he could escape that way. He clumsily stumbled to his feet and bolted across the room. Vlad whipped around and reached his hand out to blast the boy. Danny ducked and the blast hit the purple wall behind him. Again the blast bounced back and hit Vlad in the chest causing him to fly back into a table of medical equipment of torture supplies, Danny didn't know, but it bought him some time.

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