Kyoshi Island -Chapter 3

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"You have no idea where you are going do you?" Sokka asked, pulling a map down from in front of his face with an eyebrow raised.

Aang turned around his hands still on the reigns. "Well I know it's near water." He chuckled nervously.

"I guess we are getting close then." Danny said sarcastically, as he looked out into the vast blue seemingly endless ocean they were flying over, no land in sight. Watching the water below them was almost hypnotic, Danny didn't take his eyes off of it as they flew.

Danny was deciding to stick with these guys, they were nice enough and he had no idea where he was really. It was obvious this wasn't earth. Or his earth. All of these strange new things like bending, Avatar's, and strange animals. The trio explained a bit about what this 'avatar' thing was after Danny was really confused. The way they had described it to him was there was a person that would get reincarnated every 100 or so years, and they would be the Avatar (Basically a superhero). They could control all elements whereas other people would only control 1 or none at all. Aang also talked about how the Avatar was the bridge between the spirit world and the human world.

Danny was really intrigued by the last part of that, 'the spirit world' sounded a lot like the ghost zone, Aang mentioned he never saw the place before, but was told a lot of strange stories about it. But maybe these guys could help him out with getting home. Maybe Aang would be able to find a way to get Danny into the ghost zone. Get home.

But he was still very wary of these new people. He had only met them a day ago, and he couldn't exactly get away if he wanted to. They were flying hundreds of feet in the air on the back of a flying six-legged buffalo that was surprisingly cute. If Danny did have his powers he could fly away easily. Right now, staying with these guys is the best and only option.

Danny was snapped out of his thoughts when Aang spoke up suddenly, "Momo, marbles please." He asked the lemur that was sitting on his shoulder. He then crawled inside his shirt and grabbed a couple of marbles from one of Aang's pockets, and placed it in his hand. "Hey Katara, check out this cool air bending trick I learned." He uses the air to spin the marbles around in his hand making a spiral. Danny thought it was quite cool, seeing as he had never really seen any bending before.

"That's great Aang." Katara said dryly, not taking her eyes off of the navy blue cloth she was sewing in her lap.

"You didn't even look." Aang muttered with a disappointed voice. Stopping the marbles from spinning and then holding them clamped in his hand. Katara put down the cloth and turned to Aang.

"That's great."

"But I am not doing it now." He looked down at his hands. Sokka butted in.

"Stop bugging her airhead, you need to give girls space when they do their sewing." He waved his hand dismissively in the air.

"What does me being a girl have to do with sowing?" Katara had an angry tone in her voice. Danny smirked at her reaction, but was still facing away from the others.

"Its simple girls are better at fixing pants than guys, and guys are better at hunting and fighting and stuff like that." Sokka explained. "it's just the natural order of things."

Danny cringed; he knew what was coming. If he ever said anything like that to Sam, he would get an earful and probably a kick in the shins.

"All done with your pants, and look what a great job I did." She responded snarkily, holding up the pants with a large hole still torn in them. She threw them at Sokka's face and crossed her arms. Danny chuckled.

"Wait, wait I was just kidding I can't wear these." He stuck his hand through the hole in the pants, "Katara please."

Danny crossed his arms. "You are just going to dig yourself a bigger grave, man."

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