The King of Omashu -Chapter 4

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This is my art for my version of Danny, sorry if it is not that good, I tried my best. It shows the main burns, outfit, chip, and sward. I can't draw eyes or hands to save my life lol. Hope it still works, please tell me what you think. <3

They flew for about a day before they reached their next stop

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They flew for about a day before they reached their next stop. Danny looked over the edge of the saddle to see a dry, yellowish wasteland. On the horizon lay several stone pyramids, packed sturdily together. Danny could just make out small dots -the size of ants thanks to the distance- bustling across the landscape. It must be a city. There was a pathway leading up to the large gates of the city that looked to be raised from the ground out of a large pit that Danny couldn't see the bottom of.

Aang steered Appa down to the ground just a bit off the long winding pathway that led to the city. He jumped off just before Appa's feet touched the ground in his excitement. "Here we are, guys! The city of Omashu. I used to always come here to visit my friend Bumi." Pointed his staff towards the city before taking off running down the hill towards the path. "Come on, slowpokes!", he called back to the other teens, who were still getting down off of Appa's saddle.

"Aang, wait!" Katara called, causing Aang to turn back around with a raised eyebrow. "It could be bad if people find out you're the avatar; word might spread to the Fire Nation."

Sokka stepped forward. "You need a disguise."

Aang put his hands on his hips. "What am I supposed to do, grow a mustache?"

Danny looked back at Appa. "I think I have an idea."

Moments later, Aang and Katara had taken a bunch of Appa's fur and crafted it into a makeshift wig, and a mustache to go along with it. It was held together by some rope they had found in Sokka's bag. Aang kept scratching his head and face. "It's so itchy." As he scratched, some of the hairs fell out, floating to the ground. Aang turned to Appa. "How do you live in this stuff, boy?"

The bison responded with a grumble as he plopped down with a thud on the ground, kicking up loose dirt around him. Sokka stood up from the rock he had been lounging on with Danny. "Great, now you look just like my grandfather."

Katara turned back to face Sokka. "Technically Aang is 112 years old," Sokka responded with a slight nod.

Danny's eyes widened a bit. They had briefly mentioned that Aang was stuck in ice, but he never really thought about for how long. Even then, it could just be that the Avatar gets old slower than most. Danny was still surprised.

"Can we go now? I want you to see the inside of the city. It's twice as fun!" Aang jumped up.

"Twice as fun as what? Standing out here?" Danny said as he pushed himself off of the rock.

Aang didn't acknowledge Danny's comment as he pulled up his staff and started using it like it was a crutch. "Let's get going, young whippersnappers. The big city awaits." Aang changed his voice to be more raspy and deep to give the appearance of an old man. The others just looked at each other and shrugged, starting to follow the energetic 112-year-old.

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