Prisoner -Chapter 6

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Okay, so I am reordering the episodes a little. There is a reason in the last chapter I gave them 5 days till the solstice instead of 1 like they had in the show. This episode normally takes place after the journey to the crescent island. Please just understand that is not the way I am writing it. The order I am making it in will be important. Please enjoy. :)


Danny's eyes fluttered open, he was squinting in pain. His head was throbbing. He was having a hard time registering what was going on around him. He shifted his wrists slightly, feeling metal cuffs on. The clinking of the chain was loud to his very sensitive ears. He was struggling to keep his eyes open. Two men were holding him by his arms tightly.

He was sort of attempting to walk, his legs dragging across the ground causing trails in the dirt every couple seconds before he could pull his legs up again. He looked up to the side and at one of the guards blurrily, he was wearing a red uniform and a white mask with what looked like red horns on top. Same with the other guy. Matching uniforms.

The next thing Danny knew was that he was being dragged onto a ship. It was completely made of metal. He could see the black smoke rising up from the ship out into the atmosphere. Sam would not be impressed.

Zuko walked up the plank bridging between the ship and the land. He stood right in front of Danny, who was now on his own two feet. His arms were still being held by the fire nation guards, and hands were chained behind his back. Danny was coming back to his senses already, well just enough to be sassy when he needs it.

"Where is the Avatar going!?" Zuko demanded, his fist igniting in flame for a second. He was looking the halfa in the eye, they were almost the same height. Zuko only being slightly taller, not that it animated Danny at all.

"Why would I know?" Danny asked, shrugging his shoulders a bit.

"You have been traveling with him, and are sure to be a part of his plan. Where. Is. He. Going!?" Zuko pointed at Danny's chest angrily.

"All right Pretty Boy, I have known these people for, what, about a week, and I have been unconscious for at least half of that." Danny shrugged. "You think they would tell me any of their plans?"

Zuko was about to speak up again, when one of the guards came running up to them, panting slightly from exhaustion before holding up his arm in solute. "Prince Zuko, we integrated the town folk as you suggested. They claim that the Avatar is headed to the crescent island, in the fire nation. He is trying to get there by the summer solstice."

Zuko narrowed his eyes at Danny, and Danny narrowed his eyes back. "At Least someone is being helpful." Zuko commented.

"Oops, must have slipped my mind." Danny shrugged, tilting his head to the side with a slight smirk. Causing Zuko to growl angrily.

"Lock him up. We will need him later." Zuko commanded the guards.

"Aren't I supposed to get a phone call or something?" Danny asked. Zuko just rolled his eyes as Danny was led away deeper into the ship.

Uncle Iroh turned and watched as the boy was led away before turning back to his nephew. "The solstice is in 4 days time. If the Avatar hopes to get there, he will have to pass the fire nation guard. And, so will we."

Zuko spun around angrily. "Then we will have to capture him before he gets to the border. Later I will ask our new prisoner some more questions."

"And are you sure he will answer them? He did not seem like he would any of the others."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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