The Spirit World -Chapter 5

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I am changing up the order of the episodes a little. 0-0. I have a plan don't worry. I am so excited about this episode, enjoy!

Thanks to everyone who commented on the previous chapters it means a lot. XD


The team had traveled a few more days on their journey to get to the Northern water tribe. It had been rather boring since their time at Omashu. So today everyone seemed to be a little more lethargic than usual. Sokka was holding his boomerang in his hands, twirling it around. Katara was laying on her stomach, leaning over the lip bison saddle to gaze down at the clouded sky stretching beneath them. Aang was sitting back, half asleep as he held onto Appa's reins. And Danny was gazing down at his locket reminiscing about back home.

Within the left side of this locket was a photo of him and his two best friends, Sam and Tucker. All three of them were fooling around and laughing in the photo. Jazz had taken the photo when they weren't looking. He had been annoyed at first, but it was a nice photo anyway. He looked at the image of his two best friends laughing and was asking himself about how they were doing without him. Were they okay? Were they looking for him? Did they think he was dead? (Well, more dead than he already was.)

His eyes wandered over to the other side of the locket. That side held a photo of him and his family. His parents were wearing their normal vibrantly coloured hazmat suits, his mom with her hood down. Jazz was standing next to Danny with a teal book in her arms with a hopeful smile. Danny's dad was towering over everyone else in the photo with one hand on Maddie's shoulder and the other on Jazz's, while Danny stood in the middle.

He missed them. He wished he was home right now. Jazz scolding him about something or other, his mom cooking some food that somehow had come alive, his dad running around trying to catch said food with some new invention he'd come up with, and his best friends sitting with him laughing and making jokes. Danny smiled wistfully.

He even missed the ghosts. Sure, they fought all the time, and tried to kill him all the time, and... threatened him all the time. But still! They were part of his life, er... afterlife. They would stop mid-fight to ask Danny how his day was going. Skulker would give Danny self-defense tips in between shooting missiles at him. The Lunch Lady smashed him into a wall and invited him to her baby shower two minutes later.

Danny sighed, which caught Sokka's attention. Sokka glanced over at Danny, who was staring into the locket in his hand. It was a gold locket that had bright green highlights. It also had a gold chain that wrapped around his wrist. "Whatcha thinkin' about?" Sokka finally asked.

Danny was snapped out of his trance and closed the locket in his hand before looking up at the Water Tribe boy. "Home." He replied. Katara turned around and sat up, leaning against the saddle as she looked at the ghost.

"You hadn't really mentioned your home before," Katara pointed out, trailing off the end as if she was trying to get Danny to continue talking about it.

"Well, you wouldn't have heard of it." Danny shook his head, but when he looked back up he saw that the other three were still looking at him, waiting for more. He sighed. "I'm from a small town. There aren't that many people there. It's called Amity." He wasn't that worried about telling them this. They couldn't do much with this information; it was pretty basic stuff.

Sokka put his hand on his chin. "Hmm, never heard of it"

"I told you," Danny replied.

"Do you have any family there?" Katara asked, tilting her head.

"I had a sister, and my parents. And my two best friends; we did everything together." It kind of felt good to talk about them.

"Had?" Sokka questioned.

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