Will They Won't They

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I walked down the stairs and entered the servants hall. I was incredibly intimidated by how many servants there were. At my last job, there were only 5 servants in a much smaller house. However, I had decided to get out of my little town and come to work in a bigger house. I looked around and saw an empty spot near the end of the table. I sat down. I was used to getting breakfast myself, but I was pleasantly surprised that even the servants got to be served at meal times. Daisy placed some eggs on my plate and mrs. Patmore handed everyone sausages. I looked over and saw some toast on the table. However, it was too far for me to reach and I was nervous to ask someone to pass it since I didn't know anyone's name. I talked myself out of my shyness and decided to ask the maid across from me.
Kimberly: Excuse me?
The maid turned to me. She was speaking to a man that seemed to be in his mid 40s. She had beautiful blonde hair.
Anna: Yes?
Kimberly: Can you pass me the toast please?
Anna: Of course.
She looked down to the end of the table.
Anna: Thomas?
A young guy with slicked hair and blue eyes turned to face Anna.
Anna: Can you pass the toast please?
He picked up the plate and gave it to her with a side eye. He looked at me and furrowed his brows. He gave me a once over and then turned back to his friend. She looked middle aged and was a ladies maid. I was curious why he looked so chummy with someone who could be his mother. I finished my breakfast and we all were dismissed to do our work.
I got properly introduced to Anna and she basically gave me a tour of the house and told me the expectations of the job. I was exhausted just looking at the massive rooms that I would have to clean. At the same time, I was excited to be in a much more prominent position in my job. Anna and I quickly became friend and she told me about Mr. Bates; the man she was talking to at breakfast. She seemed quite taken with him. I was very happy that she had some happiness. Even though I was young, I still was anxious to find that happiness as well. However, I knew deep down I would be fine with or without someone.
It was finally time for lunch. There was such a long time between breakfast and lunch at this job, that my stomach was in so much pain by the time we sat down to eat. Anna and I were chatting with Mr. Bates. I saw Thomas and William walk in. He sat down and lit a cigarette. We ate lunch and got up for the rest of the work day. I saw Thomas was in the corridor. I had tried to introduce myself to everyone today but I hadn't gotten the chance with him yet. I hadn't realized how tall he was until I was standing near him. He was probably a foot taller than me at least. I walked over to him and he glanced at me. I immediately could tell he was standoffish. Almost shy.
Kimberly: Hello.
He glanced over at me. I noticed that I hadn't seen him smile all day. Even when he was talking with his friend.
Kimberly: I'm sorry to bother you, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Kimberly.
There was a long awkward pause. I wanted to say something else, but I didn't feel like he wanted me to. Just then his friend came in from the courtyard.
O'Brien: Oh hello.
Kimberly: I'm sorry I was just introducing myself to Thomas. I'm Kimberly.
O'Brien: I'm O'brien. I was just going to ask Thomas to come out for a smoke.
Kimberly: Of course. It's nice to meet you both.
I walked away and felt a mixture of anger and curiosity. Why didn't he like me? And also why was he the way he was? For the rest of the afternoon, I cleaned vigorously. I wanted to make a good impression so they would know that I was ready for the job. Moving away from my little town was a big decision and I didn't want to fail.
I went in and sat down for dinner. During the dinner I noticed that whenever I looked up, I saw Thomas looking in my direction. I also noticed that I kept looking in his direction. I knew he was attractive but there was such a coldness in his eyes that I couldn't figure out. I had never seen such a dead intensity in someone's eyes before. After dinner, we were all sitting around in the servants hall. I was reading. Mr. Bates and Anna were at the other side of the table looking like they were deep in conversation. Thomas came in and sat in the seat across from me. I was curious but felt as if I would scare him off if I said anything.
Thomas: What are you reading?
Oh my gosh! He spoke to me! I was surprised but I kept my composure.
Kimberly: Tom Sawyer.
Thomas: I read that when I was younger.
Kimberly: Did you like it?
Thomas: Yes. It made me want to go to America.
Kimberly: I've always wanted to go.
Just then O'Brien came in and looked at Thomas' normal spot. She then looked down the table and saw Thomas. She came and sat next to him. He looked at me and I could tell his persona had changed. His eyes went back to the same dead intensity that they had before. O'Brien was staring daggers into me which Thomas saw, but didn't say anything.
Over the next few weeks I got into a routine at my new job. I got along with mostly everyone (except O'Brien) and I loved the family. I was lucky to get a job where the family was kind. I knew some servants who didn't get that privilege. With all the good, the Thomas situation was still raging. I noticed that we would somehow find ourselves being next to each other and having our breaks at the same time. I knew he was doing it on purpose, but I didn't know why. With anyone else, I would assume they liked me. However, with Thomas it was different. I could never fully read him. If Carson ever came in and berated one of the servants, we would look at each other which seemed like instinct. We knew what the other one was thinking.
One time, Daisy came in and slammed some dishes of food on the table. Mrs. Patmore came in and saw she was throwing a tantrum and let her have it. When she left, I looked down the table at Thomas and let out a giggle. I was so surprised by what he did next; he gave me a smirk. The smirk met his eyes so I knew it was genuine. We fed off of each other's gazes until I saw Anna and Bates staring at us. We both looked down at the same time and continued eating dinner. I looked at Anna and she gave me a knowing look.
The next day, we were at lunch and Anna, Bates, William, and Daisy decided to go to the fair that comes to Downton every year.
Kimberly: I would love to go too if that's alright Mrs. Hughes?
Mrs. Hughes: That's fine with me.
That evening at tea, we were all sitting in a group making plans for our evening at the fair. Thomas came and stood in the doorway. I always noticed that he seemed very isolated from everyone else. I felt bad that he wasn't included, even though I knew he probably wouldn't be interested. I got up and walked toward the stairs, passing Thomas. I hesitated and turned around.
Kimberly: Thomas?
He turned and looked at me.
Kimberly: If you want to, you should come with us tonight.
There was a pause. He looked down and then looked into my eyes. It seemed like he couldn't believe what I had just said.
Thomas: You're asking me to go to the fair?
Kimberly: Yes. It would be fun.
Thomas: Alright.
He gave me a hint of a smile and left. I knew Thomas and William had a rather contentious relationship, but I figured that it wouldn't be a big deal.
That evening, I put on my nicest clothes, and did my hair in a different style than normal. I put on some expensive perfume that I only wore for special occasions. I put on my jacket, grabbed my purse, and headed down the stairs. I walked down the last set of stairs and saw the group standing by the servant's hall. Thomas turned around and stared at me. He had on a striking black suit and hat. We headed out. We all walked together to the fair. When we got there, everybody split up and we agreed to meet all together in an hour to go to the pub for dessert. Anna and Bates went one way and Daisy and William went the other.
Thomas and I strolled through the fair. We saw the skee ball game which I was always great at. I still was nervous to ask him anything let alone a favor, but I decided to since he chose to come.
Kimberly: Thomas?
Thomas: Yes?
Kimberly: Would you like to play skee ball?
Thomas: Sure.
We paid the man and he gave us both 2 balls each.
Kimberly: Now I have to warn you, I have always won at skee ball so be prepared.
Thomas: Who said I'm not good at skee ball?
Thomas went first. The first time he got a perfect score. The second time he only got 10 points. Then it was my turn. I got a perfect score both rounds. I looked up at him. I was nervous that he would get mad but he smiled at me. We walked a little further and I saw the carousel. I smirked to myself.
Kimberly: You know I've always wondered what Thomas Barrow would look like on a toy horse.
Thomas: Oh really?
Kimberly: I dare you to ride the carousel with me.
I figured if it was a dare, he would be more likely to do it. He thought for a moment and sighed.
Thomas: Fine.
I beamed and ran toward the carousel. We both got on the horses and strapped in. I looked up at him and smiled. The carousel started. I started laughing at how uncomfortable he was. He smirked at me and I blushed. At the final round of spinning, I saw William and Daisy standing by the carousel. They were pointing and laughing. I could tell what they were saying. We got off and William and Daisy walked up to us.
William: Wow Kimberly. I'm surprised you got Thomas to go on the carousel.
Kimberly: Well, you know how adventurous he is. We should go and meet Anna and Mr. Bates.
We walked over and met them and went to the pub. We all got ice creams. Thomas was quiet but I could tell he was absorbing everything that was said. We left the pub and walked separately. Thomas and I were behind everyone else who had split up in pairs.
Kimberly: So...you always wanted to go to America?
Thomas: Yes. I've always wanted to try somewhere different.
Kimberly: Why?
Thomas: I don't know. Everyone wants a change sometimes right?
I could tell he meant something deeper, but I decided not to push it. We talked the rest of the way home. When we got there, the group went upstairs to bed. I stopped at the stairs and turned around.
Kimberly: Thomas?
Thomas: Yes?
Kimberly: Thank you for a great evening. I had fun.
He nodded at me and I ran up the stairs. When I got to my room Anna and I talked for an hour about the night. She told me that her and Mr. Bates held hands and had a nice long talk at the fair. I told her that Thomas and I had a great night, but he didn't really talk that much. Then I got to the topic that had been bothering me since the moment I got there.
Kimberly: I've noticed that whenever Ms O'Brien's around, he doesn't talk to me, but when she isn't he usually starts our conversations. Do you know why that is?
Anna: Well ever since I got here they've been as thick as thieves. And that was when he was 19.
Kimberly: Wow. I just can't understand why he's friends with somebody who could be his mother.
Anna: Mean either.
Kimberly: Maybe I'll ask Mrs. Hughes. I bet she'd know.
Anna: Probably.
The next day after breakfast, I decided to go to Mrs. Hughes' pantry to ask her. I knocked on the door.
Mrs. Hughes: Come in.
I went in and closed the door.
Kimberly: Mrs. Hughes, I have a question about Ms. O'Brien's relationship with Thomas.
I sat down. Her face became more serious.
Mrs. Hughes: What would you like to know?
Kimberly: Basically how they came to be friends in the first place.
She looked nervous but I knew she trusted me.
Mrs. Hughes: When Mr. Barrow first started here, I could tell he was troubled. He was shy and very nervous his first 2 weeks here. Then he started a...friendship with Ms. O'Brien and he became this closed off, heartless person. I think it's his way of being confident when he's been in situations that have made him feel not as confident.
I sat there taking in all of this information. It turned out my instinct was right; he was shy. I wondered what pain he had been through that made him the way he was.
Mrs. Hughes: Why did you want to know?
Kimberly: Well Thomas and I talk sometimes but only when Ms. O'Brien's not around. I just wanted to know why that may be.
Mrs. Hughes: Can I offer a possible reason?
Kimberly: Yes.
Mrs. Hughes: Maybe you're turning him into the nice man he wants to be and she wouldn't prefer that.
That theory made a lot of sense to me. I just hoped my influence could trump Ms. O'Briens. I also hoped I had the courage to face her if that time ever came.
Kimberly: Thank you Mrs. Hughes.
That evening, I saw that Thomas was in the boot room shining his shoes. I walked in and put Lady Mary's shoes on the table.
Thomas: Why are you shining Lady Mary's shoes?
Kimberly: Well Anna's pretty busy managing all of the girls so I said I would do it for her. What are you shining your shoes for?
He didn't answer. He kept looking down and continued shining his shoes.
Kimberly: I'm sorry. It's probably not my business.
He looked at me and sighed.
Thomas: Actually I'm planning on going to the theatre on my half day.
Kimberly: Oh. That sounds like fun.
Thomas: I was actually planning on...asking you to accompany me.
I stood there in shock. It was different when we were in a group. Now, it was just going to be Thomas and I. I looked over and smiled at him.
Kimberly: I would love to.
He gave me a hint of a smile and stopped shining his shoes. He walked over and grabbed one of Lady Mary's shoes.
Thomas: Would you like me to help you?
Kimberly: Sure. I've always been so terrible at this.
Thomas: I used to do this all the time when I was Lord Grantham's valet.
Kimberly: You were Lord Grantham's valet?
Thomas: Well I filled in when his long time valet retired. But then he hired Mr. Bates and I got pushed back to footman.
I saw the angry side of Thomas. The part of him he portrayed to everyone. But I saw a hint of sadness.
Kimberly: Well I'm sorry you didn't get to stay on as Lord Grantham's valet. But I do like Mr. Bates. Him and Anna are very sweet.
He flashed me a look and I laughed. I knew I had found his underbelly.
Kimberly: I'm sorry if I offended you, but Anna's a great friend of mine and she likes him.
His face softened. He seemed to like Anna, but he never talked to her. He handed me back the shoe. I was still struggling on the other.
Thomas: Here let me show you how I do it.
He came beside me and grabbed my hand. I felt my face flush but I tried to act like it was normal. He took my hand gently and started rubbing the shoe. His grip was firm but tender. I knew he was explaining how to shine the shoe but all I could think about was his hand. I felt like a schoolgirl. As we were shining the shoe, Ms. O'Brien came in with Lady Grantham's shoes. Thomas immediately dropped my hand and went back to the head of the table. There was an awkward silence.
Kimberly: Well I should bring these to Anna.
I got up and left. Even though our moment had ended abruptly, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I felt so silly since he had just touched my hand, but he was so handsome and mysterious. I went up and told Anna all about it and that he had planned a date this Friday evening. She was surprised but happy for us. She thought that Thomas could use some happiness in his life.
We had just finished lunch. I got up to go and start cleaning the girl's bedrooms. I headed towards the stairs.
Thomas: Have you asked Mrs. Hughes yet?
Kimberly: Yes. She said I could go.
He gave me a tight lipped smile and walked off. I blushed and went to finish my work. That night we had dinner and I went upstairs to get ready. Anna helped me with my hair and I got dressed in a new dress that I had bought. I went downstairs and Thomas and I left for the theatre. As we walked there, we talked about our work and we joked about Mrs. Patmore's salty pudding that she served when Sir Anthony came for dinner. The play was amazing. As we walked back, Thomas put his arm out. I grabbed it and we strolled along. Since he had opened up a little more, I asked him the question I had been wanting to ask him since I had first met him.
Kimberly: Can I ask you a question?
Thomas: Sure.
Kimberly: Why don't you smile?
He looked down. I felt bad for asking but this time I wasn't going to cower. I wanted to know so I could maybe help him.
Kimberly: It's just I haven't seen you smile since I got here. Are you not happy here?
Thomas: Well it's true that I don't want to just be a footman. But it's fine here.
Kimberly: So in other words, don't ask you about it.
Thomas: I'll tell you one day. But for now, let's just have a nice walk.
We walked the rest of the way home. The evening had gone very well. I was glad that he had promised that he'd open up to me eventually. Over the next few weeks, things continued on as normal. However, we were hearing rumours that a war was approaching. Thomas had continuously been mentioning he wanted to join the army medical core to try and leave his current post. I knew he was just planning on working for Dr Clarkson in the village, but I would still miss seeing him every day. One day we were both in the dining room alone getting the table ready for dinner. He started talking more about what the post may entail. I decided to tell him what I was feeling.
Kimberly: Well I'll be very happy for you if it's what you want to do. But I'd miss you.
He stopped measuring the chairs and looked at me in shock.
Thomas: I didn't think anyone would miss me here.
Kimberly: Well maybe if you spent more time with them, they would.
I walked off and smiled to myself. I knew I said something that he would think about.
The next week, we had a garden party. I was in the tent with Anna serving and Thomas was out serving drinks and appetizers. Our friendship was finally at a consistent spot. He would come to take trays from me and give me a wink or tell me some of the drama that the people were discussing at the party. Near the end of the party, Lord Grantham asked for everyone's attention. He announced that we were going to war with Germany.

Thomas and the maid Where stories live. Discover now