Risk vs Happiness

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Thomas and I had been married for about 6 months. We just went to London for our honeymoon since Lady Edith had announced she was getting married the following month, but it felt like a dream. We had finally found a cottage but we were still moving our things there. Mr Branson and Lady Sybil had returned under mysterious circumstances, but we were glad that they were back.
One morning, we were having breakfast, when Mr. Carson stood.
Mr. Carson: Now I have had word that Lady Sybil began labor during the night so no noise in the gallery. She is in a very delicate condition.
Thomas and I looked at each other and smiled. We had talked about having children while we were on our honeymoon. However, with our living situation we hadn't been given much of a chance to try.
Throughout the day, we all crept around the Abbey as we completed our work. We thought she would've given birth by that night, but we were given the same orders the next day. I walked through the great hall and headed toward the drawing room when I heard a gut wrenching scream. I jumped and looked up toward the upstairs hallway. It didn't sound like a normal scream; it sounded like a scream of terror.
All that night, we stayed up late in the servant's hall waiting for news. Alfred, Jimmy and Thomas and I sat next to them reading. Mr. Carson came in and we all stood.
Mr. Carson: That's it. Lady Sybil has just given birth. It's a girl.
Everyone cheered and we were dismissed for the night.
Thomas and I decided to stay at the cottage that night. I woke up to the sound of our telephone ringing. I sat up and looked over at Thomas. He was still fast asleep. I rolled my eyes, climbed out of bed and made my way to the telephone.
Kimberly: Hello?
Mrs. Hughes: Hello Kimberly.
Kimberly: Mrs. Hughes? Is something wrong?
There was a long pause. I thought the telephone disconnected but then I heard a deep breath and a sniff. I knew something serious had happened.
Mrs. Hughes: Lady Sybil just passed away.
I stood there in shock.
Kimberly: But how? She was fine a few hours ago.
At that moment, it struck me that I was the one that had to tell Thomas. I was dreading it since he was one of the closest staff members to her.
Kimberly: Thank you for letting us know. Goodnight.
I put down the telephone. I went into our bedroom and tapped Thomas on the shoulder.
Kimberly: Thomas? Thomas?
He opened his eyes and furrowed his brows.
Thomas: Kimmy? What time is it?
Kimberly: Maybe you should come out and have some tea.
He looked at me like I had gone insane.
Thomas: In the middle of the night?
Kimberly: Just come.
I made some tea and sat our cups down on the table.
Kimberly: Thomas...Mrs. Hughes just telephoned.
Thomas: At this time of night? Whatever for?
I grabbed Thomas' hand. I knew I just had to say the truth, but now looking into his eyes it was harder than ever to find the words.
Kimberly: Lady Sybil just passed away a short while ago.
He looked down and didn't say anything for a long time.
Kimberly: Is there anything I can do?
He looked up and his eyes were filled with tears.
I walked over and put my arms around him. After a while, I sat back down at the table. He took a deep breath and sipped his tea.
Thomas: This must make you think.
Kimberly: About what?
Thomas: About...our plans.
I felt myself getting angry. I didn't want to lash out at him after such tragic news, but I didn't want him to give up on having children.
Kimberly: Thomas, anything that's worth doing requires a risk. Lady Sybil's the only woman I've ever known who's died from childbirth.
Thomas: I know. But if something does go wrong, there's not much doctors can do. And what would I do if anything happened?
Kimberly: I understand. Of course I don't want anything to go wrong, but if everything works out think of the amazing outcome.
We kissed and I went to sleep nervous. I hoped that Thomas wouldn't give up on the idea of children. We both wanted them so desperately, but maybe this situation would put a wrench in our plans.

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